4 Tips for Online Dating Like A Pro in 2023

T4g5hg42fYou’re researching surgery for hammertoes and bunions for a paper when you get a ding on your phone from the new dating app you downloaded. It’s always exciting when you get your first few matches, but you aren’t quite sure how to navigate the world of online dating yet.

That’s why we’re here to help. Here are 4 tips for online dating like a pro in 2023. Let’s get into it!

Creating the Perfect Online Dating Profile

In the world of online dating, your profile means everything. It’s the one and only chance to show potential partners what you’re all about. While looks are important, you want to be sure to not go heavy on the filters. Try and select flattering photos, but pictures that show how you really look. After all, the hope is that you’ll meet the match eventually, and you don’t want them to be thrown off guard by not looking like your pictures.

Another thing to keep in mind is to be authentic as possible. Share some insights about you like what your hobbies are, what you do for a living, and what you’re seeking in a romantic partner. You don’t want to hide anything important like if you have kids or your religion.

What to Look for When You’re Swiping

Online dating can be fun and almost like a game as you swipe on profiles, left and right. However, you want to be sure you’re swiping with intention. Try not to just match with someone because of their appearance. Instead, look at the information on their profile and see if it’s someone you think you’d find interesting and compatible.

There are far too many people who swipe carelessly, and then they end up with a bunch of matches that aren’t right for them. Take your time when going through profiles and see what sticks out to you. You don’t want to be overwhelmed with a ton of matches, so choose carefully when you’re navigating the online dating app.

Keep Conversations Interesting

It’s incredibly important that you keep the conversations interesting when you’re talking with someone on an online dating app. You’ve already matched, so now it’s time to dig a little deeper to get to know this person. You want to try and keep small talk to a minimum if at all possible.

A good way to keep conversations interesting is to ask them questions about more complex things. Instead of asking where they work, you could ask them if they enjoy it and why and how did they end up where they did. You want to take an interest in who they are as a person, not just what they do.

When is it Time to Meet?

It’s always a bit nerve-racking when it comes time to move the relationship offline. The only people who know if it’s time to take dating to the next step are the 2 of you. If you’ve found that you’re enjoying the conversations with them online, it might be time to set up a date with them.

You also want to make sure that you keep your safety in mind if you decide to meet up. Schedule a date when there will be other people around like a restaurant or a coffee shop. You’ll also want to let someone know where you’re going and what time you expect to return home.

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