The Health Benefits of White Wine

White WineOne of the questions we usually ask when choosing between wines is what benefits do we have from choosing white over red wine? Is the wine, particularly the white one, good for the overall health? And rightfully so, drinking wine in moderation can have multiple health benefits.

Now, going back to white wine, if you’re a fan of the fresh and sour taste it usually offers, then I think you might be interested in reading on.

Of course, even if you don’t harbor those certain affections towards white wine, it’s still good to know a little something about it.

After all, red versus white wine discussions often spring up while having dinner at a restaurant or home with friends or colleagues, so it doesn’t hurt to know something about them. And the answer to the long discussed topic is: Yes, white wine is just as effective in improving heart functions as red wine and in preventing artery blockages, among other things.

A study published by the University of Barcelona came up with some interesting findings that white wine may have a higher antioxidant count than red wine. Aside from having same or even better antioxidant properties as compared to red wine, white wine can also help with weight loss due to reduced calories, according to a study from 2004 at the University of Hohenheim in Germany. So if you are struggling with a few extra pounds, this just might be a good alternative to drinking juices, of course, all in moderation. One glass a day might help you increase your chances of success in achieving your goal.

If you want to go a step further, then you might want to turn your attention to champagne, which is even lighter in calories than white wine, red wine or beer. In addition to being light in calories, a study conducted by a team of scientists at the University of Reading, U.K. came up with an interesting finding that champagne, as well as white or red wines, has positive effects on your heart and vascular performance if consumed in moderation. Besides the usual heart benefits, drinking three glasses a week could help prevent brain disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It’s all thanks to a certain chemical compound called phenolic acid, which is found in particular black grape varieties used in making champagne.

So, okay, white wine brings multiple advantages concerning the cardiovascular system, helps reduce the chances of dementia and Alzheimer’, but what about aging? Well, the good news is that white wine is rich in antioxidants that have an antiaging effect, specifically polyphenols and reservatol. Come to think of, stress also plays a significant role in skin aging. It ‘s hard to say for certain how many benefits we reap from chemical properties of wine opposed to the behaviors wine drinkers tend to have -such as less stress in their lives. Another thing that plays an important role, at least in an overall quality of life, is our diet. Since wine was mostly widespread throughout Europe, there is no surprise to see that it has become a beverage of choice at dinner. Couple that with a Mediterranean diet, which is rich in seafood, olive oil, yogurt, fresh herbs, and spices – all of which bringing additional benefits.


So no matter whether you choose to drink red or white wine, I think it’s same to assume that you cannot go wrong in either case. Both will bring in a certain set of benefits, so it all comes down to your personal preference and tastes. And I wouldn’t go so far as to expect miracles to happen for those annoying lines on your forehead to start disappearing; what’s done is done, but however, you can aid your body in preventing any future wrinkles from appearing to some degree. So go ahead and pour yourself a nice glass of white or red wine and enjoy it while relaxing at the end of a hard working day. Enjoy the wine knowing that it is an alcoholic beverage you can drink to a specific extent, and you’re doing something beneficial for your body after all.


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