Tourist Attractions in the Middle East

The Middle East – a land of sand, oil, and great places for a vacation. For many people, the Middle East is made up of deserts that span across miles. But it is much more than that. In this article, the guys from prepared a list with the top nine beautiful destinations in the Middle East that are worth paying a visit.

The Dead Sea


Despite the name, The Dead Sea is actually a big lake. Thousands of years ago, this area was blocked off in the ocean. The water is so salty that you will not sink, no matter how hard you try. Due to its high mineralisation, the lake is considered a SPA with healing properties.

The Golan Heights


The Golan Heights is a plateau that has been a source of conflicts for decades. The Golan Heights is an ideal location, overlooking the Jordan River and the Sea of Galilee. This has represented the center of conflicts between the different countries in this area. The landscapes look amazing in spring and summer, so it’s a great place to explore.

Rub Al Khali


Ah, the marvelous Rub Al Khali! This dessert is the most famous sandy place in the Middle East. Locals call this desert the place where no one comes out. Being the size of Texas, it is one of the largest deserts in the world. Temperatures go as high as 65 Celsius degrees and as many as ten years without rainfalls.

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


There are two important rivers in the Middle East – Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The Tigris River flows south-east about 1850 kilometers long where it joins the Euphrates River which is 2760 kilometers long. These two rivers are the most important water sources and supported several ancient civilisations.

Hindu Kush Mountains


The Hindu Kush Mountains are a mountain ridge in Afganistan. These mountains cut off Afganistan from the rest of the world, making it hard to trade and communicate. In spite of that, they are a great place to hike!

Zagros Mountains


Another mountain ridge is the Zagros Mountains. Like its western cousin, these mountains also cut another country from the outside world – Iran. They isolate the western part of Iran but also block the Persian Gulf. Despite this, the northern part is great for agriculture.

But, the Middle East is more than geography to look forward to!


Jerusalem 1024x669

A fascinating city in the Middle East is Jerusalem. Many cultures have religious ties to this city. For example Dom of the Rock is believed to be the secret place Mohamed ascended to heaven. This shrine can be seen from all over Jerusalem. Another great place to visit is the Western Wall, a place of Christian pilgrimage and a place where Jews can pray.

Azadi Tower


An amazing building in Iran is the Azadi Tower. Being built in 1971, this tower is a symbol of the capital city Tehran. This 70 meters tall sculpture commemorates the forming of the Persian Empire.

Sultan Ahmed Camii

Sultan Ahmed Camii

A symbol of fine Muslim architecture is the Sultan Ahmed Camii mosque in Istanbul. Most mosquees usually have a skinny tower called the minaret where the believers pray. This mosque, however, has six minarets. Many call it the bule mosque for its blue tiles covering the walls.

So, as you could have seen by now, the Middle East is a place unlike any other. Several other locations such as Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc. are also worth paying a visit. Why not book a hotel room and head out right now?

One Comment

  1. Dubai is such a nice place to stay and famous for its wonderful sightseeing’s attractions. The best trip is Dubai sightseeing’s tour and desert safari in Dubai. We had great time couple of years ago.

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