Interesting Facts about Jennifer Lawrence Her Fans Have Not Figured Out Yet

EggttgrtgergJennifer Lawrence. In this article, I am going to give you a set of amazing things you did not know about Jennifer Lawrence. I know that most of you have heard about Jennifer Lawrence. Some have even watched her movies while some are ardent fans of this actress. If so, this article is written for you. You might be wondering what I have to say about her in this article but I guarantee you it is nice stuff some of which, very few people know about her. Unless you have read Jennifer Lawrence’s biography, you will be surprised by the facts you will read here.

First, before we jump into the interesting facts, let us first see who Jennifer Lawrence is. Jennifer Lawrence is an American actress who is 28 years old, as I’m writing this article in 2018. She has achieved a lot including winning an Academy Award for her role in the 2012 romanceSilver Linings Playbook.She has been in the acting business since 2007 and it seems she is not going anywhere anytime soon.

Here are some interesting and fun facts that most of Jennifer Lawrence fans have no clue of.


Her Middle Name Is Shrader

The first interesting fact about her is her middle name. Jennifer Lawrence was named Jennifer Shrader Lawrence. I know many of you did not know that but the famous actor has a weird middle name. This name is unlike her and I am certain that given the chance to guess Jennifer Lawrence’s middle name, you would not have been any close. Jennifer rarely uses this name. From now on, whenever you see her, your mind will be screaming Shrader and you will be asking yourself what type of person named the darling actress like this.

Apparently, the name comes from her family. However, his father, mother nor Jennifer herself have ever revealed where the name came from. Let us cross fingers and hope she does that soon.

She Graduated Early From High School

Apparently, Jennifer Lawrence was not only blessed with acting prowess but she is extremely smart. She graduated early from high school so that she could quickly start her acting career. Although she dreamt of making it in Hollywood, she still took her education seriously and she passed with an average GPA of 3.9. It is impressive for an actress to have such records. Who knows, maybe her education has something to do with the tremendous achievements she has at such a young age.


She Featured In a Music Video In 2009

Before Jennifer Lawrence made her big break on film, she did all types of jobs including featuring in a music video. If you know a song called “The Mess I Made” back from 2009 and you are wondering why there is a familiar face in the music video, you are not high on drugs as Jennifer Lawrence was in the music video. You can check out the music video on YouTube and see for yourself how she used to look like in those days. Did she look as gorgeous as she is now? That is upon you to decide.

She Auditioned for Twilight’s Main Role

Most of us are familiar with the movieTwilight.It was a big movie back at the turn of the decade with a heart-breaking love story that captivated everyone who watched it. It turns out that Jennifer Lawrence auditioned for the major role in this sequel but instead, lost it to Kristen Stewart. Jennifer even confessed that she really wanted the part but did not feel jealous of Stewart who eventually got it. She even said how she went to the theater after its release to watch the movie and really liked it.

Later while shooting the movie, Kristen Stewart and fellow star in the movie Robert Pattison fell in love and dated. Imagine if Jennifer Lawrence had won the role. We could have been writing a different script about her right now. If you fail to get the role, would you have done what Jennifer Lawrence did?

She Holds a Guinness World Record

Your dazzling actor has proven to be smart and successful. However, do you actually know that she holds a Guinness World Record? You heard me right. Jennifer Lawrence apparently holds a Guinness World record for the highest grossing action-heroine of all time. This resulted in the role she played in the movie The Hunger Games Franchisewhere she played the role of Katniss. The movie made over 2.9 billion which shows you how she managed to achieve this.


She Is a Trained Archer

Jennifer Lawrence is apparently trained in archery. She can hit a target with arrows like a pro archer. This is not in a movie but in real life terms. She learnt this while preparing for her role of Katniss in theHunger Warssequel. She was trained to shoot arrows by four time Olympian archer Khatuna. So, do not be surprised if she does shoot an arrow perfectly in the future.

She Swears a Lot

I do not know about the older generation but in our age and time, we swear a lot. I have forgotten a day I went without swearing. Jennifer Lawrence is no exception. Reports from her friends, fellow actors, and even directors show that she has no filter. She swears at the slightest provocation and she cannot get a hang of it.

Her Breasts Are Uneven

Apparently, Jennifer Lawrence’s breasts are uneven. Women are very sensitive when it comes to parts of their body. They hardly talk about it openly but Jennifer Lawrence is the contrary. In a 2013 interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Jennifer said that her doctor revealed to her that she has uneven breasts. Her x-ray picture shows that one of her breasts is inclined more than the other breast.

This condition is, however, common in women so there is no need to worry about it. Jennifer Lawrence says that this fact does not bother her at all.

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