Successful Process of Teaching Paraphrasing To Young Writers

Paraphrasing is such a challenging skill to learn–and so very necessary! Paraphrasing is important to many styles of prose. Children who do not learn to paraphrase correctly will not only mature into bad writers but may also lead to plagiarism which is not a good thing at all. Here is a step-by-step guide to show the students the paraphrasing.


Tell them about paraphrasing

First of all, paraphrasing puts it in your language and then in your heart, and then continue with a student doing just that. A good introduction exercise is to split the students into pairs, and ask a question like, “What did you do yesterday after school? “Or” ask where you want to go on holiday and why you want to go there.

“Student A asks the question in three or four words. First, Student B paraphrases a comment from Student A. The couples then switch positions on. One or two times before you begin to model this for instance.

The game the students can play is a twist on Quiz, and Exchange of knowledge. Offer every defendant a sentencing card written on it. Let students come to meet friends. Student A writes her sentence and this is paraphrased by Student B. Then, the tasks turn to the learners. Eventually, when both go on to meet new mates, they swap cards.

Paraphrase Together

Attempt to paraphrase a brief sentence as one class together. View the article either on the board or on your paper phone. You may want to give the students a copy of their own. Ensure the students recognize the contrast between paraphrasing and summing up. Explore various approaches that can be used. One solution is the Four R’s: Reword–Substitute interchangeable terms and phrases if you can.

Rearrange verbs to create new sentences inside sentences. You may also restructure the ideas mentioned in the essay.

Independent Experience Seek to make your students work in pairs to paraphrase a sentence on the board after you have made a couple together. Make sure to let the class swap its paraphrases with a few sets. Students may then start functioning separately at this stage. They can also use a sentence changer tool for that. A set of paraphrasing task cards is suitable for individual practice (and the accompanying poster is part of the free preview of the first four task cards that may be used for class-level testing).

Realize that certain words and phrases cannot be altered-names, ages, descriptions, etc. cannot be substituted, but through the paraphrase, you will address them differently.

Use paraphrasing tools to clear their concepts

When you are teaching something to students practice worth a lot. To clear the concepts of students show them how a paraphrasing tool paraphrases different sentences using synonyms. I would suggest you to use Prepostseo paraphrasing tool because it is free and its user friendly which will help students a lot.

For Example


“The Pacific Island of Nauru, just 8.5 square kilometers inland, is one of the world’s smallest nations. The island was once abundant in phosphates, but much of the minerals were exploited and the ecosystem was destroyed. Nauru has about 10,000 inhabitants”

“Just 8.5 square kilometers inland, the Pacific Island of Nauru is one of the smallest nations in the world. Once upon a time, the island was rich in phosphates, but much of it was depleted and the environment ruined. The population of Nauru is about 10,000”

Do practice

Make sure the sense of the paraphrase is the same as the original.

Hopefully, you’ll want to move on to paraphrasing whole posts. Encourage students to paraphrase one sentence at a time, in bite-sized bits. Once your students are expert paraphrasers, you will switch onto more sophisticated practices such as paraphrasing notes that you learned from the actual text, rather than the text itself.

Your paraphrased works contain quotations.

To paraphrase some sections, and to summarize others.

To paraphrase, summarize, and give quotes, all in one piece.

To paraphrase, translate and provide quotations from more than one source. (Throw in bibliography and what do you know? You’ve written a report!)

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