Studying abroad these days has become some kind of a trend where candidates from India and other countries travel thousands of kilometers and travel all that distance to pursue their MS degree in a particular field. Pursuing any degree in countries like the United States of America and the United Kingdom have their own advantages. The people in these countries follow a much more practical approach that basically allows students to think outside the box and just follow a much more objective approach rather than a subjective one. They believe in using more than the textbook knowledge to teach students to think on their feet and do many things they could not believe could be done at one point in their lives.
But, the most overwhelming thing about this is the journey that the candidate has to take from application to the actual admission. Boy, it is one hell of a ride! The most common requirement every college will have is the college essay paper, which is not merely a piece of paper with text written on it; but it is a very important document that basically tells the evaluator of admissions department all about one’s self, the drive and the passion to study more and grasp as much knowledge as possible, and most importantly the main reason to study in a country like the US or the UK for that matter. It also talks about the student’s various interests, passions and also talks about the academic background as well as a little bit about the marks and grades of the student as well.
This has been given a variety of names in different countries; in the US and UK it is called the essay paper and generally it is known as the ‘Statement of Purpose’, which is an extremely crucial part of the application process, without which admissions are extremely difficult to get anytime of the academic year and that too for any term of choice.
It is basically an art of writing a college essay paper during the application process, the candidate basically has to include a total bio-data of himself or herself and also should be able to convince the person who reads the essay paper, why he or she deserves to get admission in that particular college, and why that particular course as well. Now there are some tips and tricks to remember while writing a college essay paper.
Let us look at some of the best tricks and tips provided by the experts at, to remember how to write an essay paper.
- The essay should basically reveal something very important about the candidate which cannot be revealed through the grades or academic marks for that matter, it should be something related to the personality. It has to give the admission officer and other members of the admission department an idea about the candidate like personal information etc and should find a way to showcase their writing skills. This is a very useful tip that can be used while writing the essay.
- Starting an essay is probably the hardest part of the task. Once the start is achieved, there is nothing to worry about, the information required will all come with the flow and end up crafting an amazingly effective essay.
- One really helpful tip is that brainstorming before starting an essay is very important because it can help the candidate gather thoughts and channel the energy in the right way and right direction to get the perfect start to the essay.
- The brainstorming session can involve the strengths, traits of the personality and weaknesses as well, which will lead to a smooth start to the essay. That will probably be the perfect place to start.
- It is very important to make a few rough drafts of the essay and try to structure it in the best way possible before finalizing all the college essay contents. The first draft is always normally the one where the candidate just allows all the ideas and thoughts to flow in a continuous process so that once all the information is out, it can be structured in the right way to form the perfect essay.
- Every essay comprises of three main section; the introduction, body and the conclusion. Every section needs to be taken care of with great care and thought before combining it all into one big essay that hopes to create some impact on the admission officer.
- The introduction basically contains information regarding the candidate like personal information and which college is being targeted for admission etc, it basically introduces the whole essay; the body basically is the backbone of the entire essay which contains examples, incidents, academic background, projects and other details; and finally the conclusion is the ultimate end of the essay. The conclusion is very important because it basically leaves an impression on the reader’s mind as to what the candidate really wants to pursue and why. These three sections are very important for the essay.
- It is advisable that the candidate should be extremely specific on all the points that are mentioned in the college essay paper. Every point should have a very strong viewpoint and example that supports the points mentioned in the essay.
- It does not hurt to be as creative as possible while writing the essay and this is basically a very good strategy to use especially while writing fairly long and important essays like this.
- Last but not the least, the candidate should be as candid and honest as possible because, as they say, honesty is the best policy.