
What’s the Purpose of Shade Balls?

What’s the Purpose of Shade Balls?

October 16, 2016 at 7:42 pm2 comments

If you’ve ever been to Los Angeles, you may have seen a ton of little plastic balls floating on top of their water reservoirs. There are millions of them! So many that from far away, they look more like a blacktop than a gigantic and wet ball pit. But beforeRead More

Can We Hide the Earth from Faraway Telescopes?

Can We Hide the Earth from Faraway Telescopes?

October 9, 2016 at 6:56 pm0 comments

The universe has been around for more than 13.7 billion years, which seems like plenty of time for another civilization to develop. But we haven’t found any evidence of life, and nobody’s said hello to us either. That’s the Fermi Paradox. So maybe other civilizations don’t exist. Or maybe …Read More

How Powerful is China’s Space Program?

How Powerful is China’s Space Program?

October 9, 2016 at 4:18 pm0 comments

Most of space stories usually focus on what the US Space Agency NASA is up to. But NASA is far from the only space program out there! China’s national space administration is called the China National Space Administration, or CNSA for short. Founded in 1993, it’s a relatively new playerRead More

Top 12 Most Frightening Creatures that Still Exist

Top 12 Most Frightening Creatures that Still Exist

October 8, 2016 at 3:13 pm0 comments

1. The Puss Caterpillar If caterpillars have always creeped you out for no reason, then you’re about to learn of a good one. The Puss Caterpillar is only about one-inch long on average and might not look like much of a threat at first, but rub one the wrong way, you’reRead More

How Much Does a Kilogram Weigh?

How Much Does a Kilogram Weigh?

October 6, 2016 at 10:57 pm0 comments

How much does a kilogram weigh? Well…it’s a kilogram, right? But how do we know how much that is? Maybe a better answer is: 1000 grams. A gram was originally defined as the mass of one cubic centimeter of water at the melting point of ice, and well, that’s something weRead More

Guidelines on How to Write a Good Thesis Statement

Guidelines on How to Write a Good Thesis Statement

September 14, 2016 at 12:29 am0 comments

Every academic experience requires at one point a thesis or a research paper. The thesis is a scholarly written work based on a research problem pursued by the researcher. What is a thesis statement? According to, a thesis statement is a sentence or two that accurately captures the essenceRead More

How to Write a Quality Research Paper Fast and Efficiently

How to Write a Quality Research Paper Fast and Efficiently

September 10, 2016 at 1:13 am0 comments

In school or sometimes in your career, you have to write a research paper at one time or another. Usually, you know enough about what to write. However, writing is seldom anyone’s favorite way to spend time. In the pile up of work, writing often sinks to the bottom ofRead More

How to Balance School Studies with IIT JEE Studies at the Same Time?

How to Balance School Studies with IIT JEE Studies at the Same Time?

July 9, 2016 at 9:32 pm0 comments

Today, most of the students are facing the problem of balancing school studies with IIT JEE studies where these both are equally important to clear out. The students want to score well in school exams as well as in the IIT JEE mains. However, how to come up with theRead More

Soft Skills Students Need to Develop to Get a Better Job

Soft Skills Students Need to Develop to Get a Better Job

July 9, 2016 at 9:26 pm0 comments

The business landscape today needs a dynamic workforce. The one dimensional skill sets are no longer considered enough. It is crucial to come with multiple skills to accrue better job prospects. You need the technical skills to get as well as keep your job. You can never be a dentistRead More

Essay Writing Tips for the College Student Application

Essay Writing Tips for the College Student Application

June 2, 2016 at 1:07 pm1 comment

Your test scores and grades are not what reveal why you are important; your personality is. Sure, you want to showcase your writing skills to your admission officers; however, you also want to provide them with an idea of who you truly are and why you are the perfect candidateRead More

10 Steps to Help You Build a Complete E-Learning Course

10 Steps to Help You Build a Complete E-Learning Course

May 25, 2016 at 3:22 am0 comments

Technology took a huge leap forward in the recent years, with new devices being released on the market that we could have only dreamed of at the beginning of the 21st century. Needless to say, the Internet continues to grow even more every day, having whole virtual worlds built aroundRead More

Tips for Anchors and Show Hosts

Tips for Anchors and Show Hosts

May 20, 2016 at 9:19 pm0 comments

With the start of every new tv show that requires an anchor, people wait desperately to know how good the anchor will be. An anchor is as important as the concept of the show because it allows the audience to get into the groove and enjoy the show. So, aRead More

Online Economics Assignment Help Services – an Overview

Online Economics Assignment Help Services – an Overview

May 8, 2016 at 12:24 am0 comments

What Is Online Assignment Help service? With the growing rapid rate of technology, everything has got a novel and unique method of accomplishment whether it is a personal task or professional task. Nothing is untouched from the use or application of technology, whether it is study or learning everywhere theseRead More

How to Write an Effective Five-Paragraph Essay?

How to Write an Effective Five-Paragraph Essay?

April 5, 2016 at 11:36 pm0 comments

This article is focused on the how to effectively write and format a five-paragraph essay. The five-paragraph essay goes by a lot of different names, some of them you’ve probably heard. You could call it a basic essay, you could call it an academic essay, you could call it theRead More

Epigenetics: Is Inheritance Part of Our Genes?

Epigenetics: Is Inheritance Part of Our Genes?

April 5, 2016 at 12:14 am0 comments

We can inherit a lot from our parents. Hair and eye color, height. But we can’t inherit everything because some biological traits are acquired during our lifetime. The only way to transmit biological information between generations is in the letters of our DNA. But what if it’s not that simple? What if ourRead More