What to Look for when Choosing a VPN Company

Choosing A VPN Company 1024x614On the market, there are many companies that provide VPN services. VPN offers a wide range of advantages in terms of enterprise services focused on the specific needs of companies.

Thanks to the revolutionary technologies that focus on compatibility, resource efficiency, flexibility and know-how, private VPN-based network setups offered by reputed companies must have the following key-facilities:

Key facilities:

  • Compatibility with OpenVPN , IPsec , L2TP , MS-SSTP , L2TPv3 and EtherIP protocols (servers can interconnect all these protocols simultaneously).
  • Authentication using internal database using user/password or certificate. Authentication using external database through RADIUS/NT Domain protocols.
  • Support for clustering, distribution of VPN sessions in a set of controllers and sub-servers for load balancing and fault tolerance.
  • Implementation of the native VPN protocol, UT-VPN, which brings up to 980% higher performance than the traditional protocols. Such a setup has the ability to open a stable VPN tunnel using 32 simultaneous TCP/UDP sessions.
  • Support for encapsulating packets in native DNS, ICMP, HTTPS traffic to ensure connectivity even when there is a very strict firewall. Traffic encryption using one of the numbers: RC4-MD5, RC4-SHA, AES128-SHA, AES256-SHA, DES-CBC-SHA, DES-CBC3-SHA, DHE-RSA
  • AES128-SHA (perfect forward security), DHE- RSA-AES256-SHA (perfect forward security).
  • IPv4 / IPv6 dual-stack.
  • Connectivity support using native protocol or classic protocols with which the server is compatible on: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iPhone, iPad, and Windows Mobile.
  • Support deep-inspect packet logging.
  • Support VLAN and advanced routing functions on the user but also on the network.
  • A VPN server can support multiple isolated VPN networks.
  • The server can run on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X.
  • Support Layer 2 and Layer 3 in the network, with the ability to translate the connection between these protocols.
  • Ad-hoc VPN (interconnects clients connected to a network and they can use IP or Ethernet protocols to communicate).
  • Building-To-Building VPN (interconnect 2 or more offices in a common network).
  • Remote Access to LAN (facilitates the access in the local network of the employees on the move to have access to the internal applications and to ensure their access to the documents specific to their job).

Long-term involvement and support:

Along with the aforementioned features, when you buy a VPN service, you must consider some other aspects too. A reputable VPN company must offer the following services:

  • consultancy and build upon your request the architecture of the VPN ecosystem, identifying the best solutions to your company’s specific needs.
  • build this ecosystem and provide training for people in the IT department of your company who will manage the accounts and access rights specific to the employees.
  • technical support at your disposal regarding various questions and solutions specific to your company.
  • offer maintenance, monitoring, development, and scaling of the VPN ecosystem built specifically for your company to ensure its optimal functioning.
  • updates and recommendations regarding the security of the VPN ecosystem.
  • ability to detach one or more persons to assist you as necessary in the use and implementation of the system.

Vpn Work

One Comment

  1. Thank you for the article and for the list of VPNs that keeps user logs. I am relieved that I use Nordvpn provider which is known as one of the most reliable VPNs on the market. It is so important to keep your personal information secured from spying eyes because you never know when someone can steal it.

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