In a wide gamut of research and analytical applications, nylon syringe filters are extensively used. It is to sterilize and clarify aqueous and solvent samples in those applications.
These aqueous and solvent filters have a low hold-up volume and this is where nylon syringe filters can ensure absolute precision in the laboratory filtering procedures. To derive better results, these filters can also be injected directly into the High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) sample loop systems. This procedure of filtering has been proven highly effective as it offers superior flow rate with mechanical stability and low extractable levels.
So, if you are carrying out any scientific research study, this is your best bait. Previously, only syringe filters were used in laboratories. With technological advancement, nylon syringe filters have come into play to provide optimized results, in terms of high level of purity across any application.
Types Of Filter Membranes Available In The Market
During the filtering process, it is extremely essential to use the right membrane based on the application on which it is being used. There are different kinds of membranes available in the market with dissimilar properties that can be used in different applications. Few of them are listed as below:
Cellulose acetate is effectively used with aqueous samples and not organic solvents due to its low protein binding abilities.
Glass Microfiber filter is apt to filter samples that have a high particulate content. It is recommended to be used with heavily contaminated samples and refrain from using it with benzyl alcohol.
Nylon membranes have strong mechanical properties. Its sturdy thermal stability makes it fir to be used with aqueous and organic samples. Thus, it can be aptly used with bases, HPLC solvents, alcohols, aromatic hydrocarbons and THF. Abstain using it with acids, aggressive halogenated hydrocarbon and protein samples.
The Reasons For Using Nylon Syringe Filters:
When looking to buy nylon syringe filter, you must assess the benefits that it can offer to your filtration process. There is a nylon membrane added to the end of a syringe. It is used for drawing the fluid into the syringe and also for pushing it out of the syringe. They are naturally hydrophilic with high protein binding. They can be used for a variety of purposes. You can use these filters for chemicals filtrations, beverage filtrations, and industrial water filtration. The strong absorbing quality of these filters tends to provide high-quality results.
Types Of Nylon Syringe Filters
Of the diverse types of syringe filters available in the market, nylon syringe filters are considered to be the bestowing to its exceptional flow characteristics. That is why it is increasingly used in the filtration of aqueous samples and even organic samples. It can also be used for the complicated analytical procedures.
Nylon filters possess superior physical functionalities. The nylon syringe filters are classified as sterile and non-sterile filters. You can buy the filter that suffices your need. Apart from this, sterile filters are differentiated by the filter levels that can be chosen according to your requirements.
They have multiple layers involved within the filtering process to improve the analytical precision. They are individually wrapped and certified as DNA-free and RNA-free. Without being used as a stand-alone filter, sterile filters are also used in combination with other filters, only to enhance the filtration process.
On the other hand, non-sterile syringe filters are specifically designed for aqueous and solvent samples used for various applications. They have a higher particulate load with an ability to improve sample volumes by using glass pre-filter. Also, they have a female Luer-lock inlet and male slip outlet.
The weight of aqueous samples to be tested also affects the selection when looking to buy nylon syringe filters. You can use them for filtration of organic samples when used in propylene housing.
In most of the cases, nylon filters are used as the primary membrane while other types of membranes are playing the roles of pre-filters. The choice of a filter should be based on the type of application and research where you might need it.
How To Select The Best Nylon Syringe Filters?
When buying these nylon syringe filters, you need to follow certain key parameters such that you derive the best result. These include chemical compatibility of the filter. It implies that the filters must be compatible with the solvents that you intend to filter through them. It is also advisable to check the filter diameter and filtration area covered.
Additionally, the pore size of the filter is a major consideration in this regard. It should be selected according to the type of solvents passing through them. Assess the maximum operating temperature and maximum operating pressure of the filter before making the buying decision. Here, you should also evaluate if the sample needs a pre-filtration procedure.
The leading manufacturer of nylon syringe filters, Simsii, discusses some of the factors that you must consider when looking to buy them for your scientific analytical process.
Parameters To Look For While Buying Nylon Syringe Filters
Be sure of the fact that these nylon syringe filters are developed with tremendous care, exudes high quality and is packaged in a perfect manner. Moreover, the cost-competitiveness of the filters is also a deciding factor for the buyer.
Remember that nylon with its strong tenacity and absorbability, and hydrophilic properties, can be used appropriately across electric semiconductor industrial water filtration, chemicals filtration and beverage filtration. Thus, identify your analytical needs and maximize nylon’s natural advantages.
With all the above tips, your nylon syringe filter search has been made simpler. So, now you can buy the filter online without any hassle and the next time you are preparing your samples, the right product will definitely lead to accurate results.