PCOS Treatment in Ayurveda: How this Ancient Medical System Works against this Ailment?

PCOSUnderstanding PCOC

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is among a common ailment, which only hampers the childbearing women. As the name suggests, PCOS usually leads to the cyst formation in one or both the ovaries of the women. The cysts present among the childbearing women often wrecks havoc hampering the ovulation process in a big way. This prevents the development of the eggs and in case the eggs mature, the ovaries do the rest of the problem by preventing its release. During the PCOS issue, the hormone called Androgen is produced at a high level. The higher the level of these hormones among the ladies, the more is the complications among them, which include infertility, obesity, irregular periods, cardiac issues, hypertension, diabetes and insulin resistance. Also, this brings other issues like Hirsutism, which lead to excessive growth of hair on the body including chest, face, or chin or chest. Hence at such junctures, the conditions should be treated and managed the most. The traditional method of treatment may not give effective results; hence it is obvious to check the alternatives to the dermatologists, which comes in the form of Ayurveda. The pcos treatment in Ayurveda is now proving effective for the childbearing women who are the victims of this ailment.

Ayurveda & PCOS

Ayurveda is an ancient system of treatment, which takes care of both internal and external body parts. It is believed to be in this world for the past 5000 years and has thus remained a time-tested treatment option for a broad range of ailments. It helps in maintaining a healthy body balance within several body energies (called doshas in Ayurveda). As per Ayurveda Science, there are basically three key doshas – Kapha dosha or water energy, Pitta dosha or fire energy, and Vata dosha or wind energy. The disturbance among these energies leads to several diseases, which include PCOS as well. The PCOS is an ailment among women that results due to Kapha Dosha. As per this ancient science, our body has seven different Dhatus or Tissues. The PCOS in women’s body is developed when Aharva Dhatus in their bodies are wrecked off. The female reproductive organs that are affected the most include Rasa Dhatu (plasma and lymph) or the Meda Dhatu (adipose tissue).

The approach of treating PCOS in The Ayurveda

When it comes to the approach of treating PCOS in Ayurveda, it focuses on restoring the lost balance amongst the three doshas. For treating the PCOS in Ayurveda, several herbs are used to treat this ailment. These include Ashwagandha, Blue cohosh, Dandelion, Tulsi, Fenugreek, Neem, Castor oil, Flax seeds, and Sesame Seeds. These herbs help in treating the hormonal imbalance seen in the body and the symptoms linked to PCOS, which include infertility, and diabetes, to list a few. Besides the use of these herbs, there are a few pranayamas that seemed to work for making the body in a relaxed state along with restoring the balance found in between the different doshas.

A woman with this ailment can leverage a lot from the Ayurvedic treatment called Panchkarma, which comprises of treating with oil massage along with oil baths and fomentation. This will lead the body to sweat a lot and thus reduce the toxins over the body and thus help in boosting up different ailments. During the treatment, you are supposed to restrict from having some food which includes having a high glycemic index. Instead, you are supposed to consume foods like fruits (peaches, apples) and vegetables (like cauliflower, onion, etc) along with several other dietary options, which are known to have a low glycemic index. However, if you are morbidly obese, you have to lose your weight first and then consider this treatment.

The Do’s And Don’ts in Ayurveda for treating PCOS

As per the practices of Ayurveda, the patient suffering from PCOS is supposed to follow certain do’s and don’ts for a useful treatment option, which goes as under:

The Do’s

  • Do follow the natural sleep cycle. Sleeping during the daytime is a big no-no as it can hamper your sleep quality during the night time.
  • Do consume herbs including fenugreek, garlic and cinnamon, as having these foods can help in reducing the blood sugar
  • Do consider herbal teas including the spearmint tea or green tea
  • Consume healthy fats like ghee

The Don’ts

  • Avoid consuming the dairy products like milk products or curds, however, you can consider buttermilk to some extent.
  • Say no to all types of junk food
  • Say no to sugar
  • Say no to the non-vegetarian food, although you can occasionally eat fish

Effective Yoga Asanas For PCOS

The ancient science also recommends the women suffering from PCOS a couple of yoga asanas, which are as under:

  • Bhadrasana or the Butterfly Pose
  • Naukasana or the Boat Pose
  • Sarvangasana or the Reverse Body Or Shoulder Stand Pose
  • Bharadvajasana or the Bharadvaja’s Twist
  • Shalabhasana or The Locust Pose
  • Padmasana or the Lotus Pose


Ayurveda is effective for a number of medical ailments; the above are some of the key ways of fixing the common issues of childbearing ladies called PCOS.

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