Lower Your Entertainment Expense and Save Over $120

SaveHow about I tell you that you can keep your entertainment bills in check without having to compromise on your entertainment supply of the month. Since we all know and have come to terms with it, that living these days is expensive and it gets worse every year with that burden of inflation building on our shoulders. In any case, our souls deserve some of the time for ourselves after those long tiresome days of working while making sure we save (financially) as much as possible.

It is not that big of a feat as it seems, just a little bit of smart work, once in a lifetime in most cases, and we are all set. I have sorted a list of ways in which, I have and you can too, manage your entertainment finances in way that you have the best supply of entertainment and utilities while having to spend the least. Staying in your 50/30/20 budget plan was never this easy before. Let’s begin with dissecting our entertainment expenses, the major chunk comprises of expenses on cable TV and the internet. It’s hard to keep track and choose form the galaxy of offers by a whole bunch of service providers. I bring you a comprehensive comparison and ways to save as I did too.

Average standalone TV device cost, $74.2

Comparing major Cable TV service providers, the market average for a basic TV package offering 190+ channels costs you around $74.2 rounding up to $890 per annum, brought down to $0.39 per channel. That is an important sum of money, where the package pricing or availability might vary from region to region, but the market average remains the same. I almost had a mini-heart attack when I calculated my annual expense. It clearly had my head spinning. It is only fair to weigh the alternatives thoroughly before actually making the purchase decision. I have come up with different alternatives (me and my friends swear by) that you can give a shot to save on your annual spend on ‘virtual’ entertainment.

Bundle up your services

Potential Savings: Up to $90 per annum on average

Increase the number of cords, and bundle up multiple services from a single provider, and lower the burden on your nerves of dealing with multiple bills. Some service providers like Charter Spectrum offer attractive discounts if you choose to bundle up your services with them. You can always go online and explore deals like double play packages (internet + Phone/TV + Internet) or triple play packages (internet + TV + Phone) to check what’s offered and its availability and pricing in your region.

Get rid of channels that you don’t watch anymore

If removing the cable altogether is not an option for you, then spare some time and tactically jot down all the channels that you don’t watch frequently or don’t watch at all. Once you’re done jotting down, get to the phone instantly, call your service provider and get rid of them. Negotiate your bargain and instantly lighten the burden on your shoulders. If the bargain doesn’t work in the first go, remember, it’s the game of persistence. Stay put to your aim and you shall be rewarded.

Especially if you have a good record of timely bill clearances, chances are you will have an upper hand in the negotiation exchange.

Make a bargain & look out for an extra fee

Look up for an extra fee being charged, or any hidden charges for that matter. Call your service provider and try negotiating your bet. Even better, if you are one of those who doesn’t find themselves to be any good at bargaining, there are private companies ready to do that for you. They have trained professionals to negotiate a bargain for you charging 50% of what you save. Hence you get to save a good amount without having to wait on hold for the customer rep.

Get a connection in your partner’s name

Potential savings: $240 per annum on average

Some providers offer sign-up bonuses, or discounted plans for the initial time period. In such a situation, get a connection in your roommate or housemate or significant other’s name and ask them to share the bill’s responsibility. You might have to switch connections in this process but it’ll save you a lot of money in the long run.

Check your usage. Can you settle for less?

Potential savings: $200 per annum on average

Service providers often lure you into newer, better appearing and faster packages. If you have subscribed to one, take out some time to see if you really are using those additional features or is it just an added burden on your pocket. If so, then call your service provider’s representative and get rid of those added features you’re no longer using and have been paying for.

Check your internet speed. Is it what you’re paying for?

Potential savings: $5–$25/month

Services like speedtest.net provide free speed tests for your internet, you can always check your internet speed since it is not always the same what’s promised when signing up for a certain package. For example, when you opt for a 20 Mbps package, it isn’t 20 Mbps that’s being provided consistently. Check your speed over different intervals and share it with your service provider’s representatives, call them multiple times to negotiate your bet. They might not respond in the first go, don’t worry try reaching out to someone else, or ask for the manager and ask them to either cut down your bills or improve speeds.

Lower your internet speeds

An average household is good with a steady 20-30Mbps speed, if you have been lured into opting for an expensive-r package, its high time you realize it and get rid of any extra dollars you’ve been feeding them.

Look for Smaller Providers

Potential savings: $5-$40 per month on average

Some areas in the US come with a good competitive landscape when smaller broadband service providers come into question. They are good at providing better customer services plus better and undivided speeds. There is a possibility of them not being cheaper but they sure will make it up to you in terms of service quality and consistency.

Have more ideas? Let me know of your experience on how you managed to save on your bills this year in the comments below!

A post by Nida Shahid – Business graduate, writer, digital marketer, traveler, Interior design enthusiast, and a proud dog parent. She shares her expertise and writes for businesses to improve their rankings on Google. Probably one of the most amazing things about her is her ability to stay relevant. Her work has been posted on multiple blogs and e-zines across the web.

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