Articles by: sophiawright

Kinds of Activities for Teens Traveling to Israel

Kinds of Activities for Teens Traveling to Israel

October 10, 2015 at 11:53 pm0 comments

Taking a trip to Israel can have some unforeseen impacts when taken alone. Often, individual travelers are not aware of the security issues and inherent dangers of visiting certain areas of Israel. One of these areas is the Gaza strip. When a teen travels with a group, it is especiallyRead More

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with a Body Lift Procedure?

Are You Ready to Transform Your Life with a Body Lift Procedure?

August 21, 2015 at 4:36 am0 comments

Most body lift procedures today are requested by individuals who have recently lost a significant amount of weight or previously had weight loss surgeries. It’s generally considered the final step in a series of changes that lead to dramatic results. Who doesn’t want toned, tight abs and a contoured midriff?Read More