Articles by: Paula Hicks

The problems of single women without children

The problems of single women without children

May 29, 2023 at 1:08 pm0 comments

It is undeniable that single and childless women face unique challenges in our society. On the one hand, they are often considered incomplete or inferior for not having a partner or children. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as the feeling that they are not livingRead More

9 reasons why we lose friends

9 reasons why we lose friends

May 29, 2023 at 1:02 pm0 comments

Friendship is one of the most beautiful things we can experience in our lives. A group of dedicated friends is something that makes us capable of achieving much more in life than we could have achieved alone. The moments we spend in the company of others make our lives more colorful. FriendsRead More

Less Known Habits that Destroy our Life

Less Known Habits that Destroy our Life

May 23, 2023 at 7:48 pm0 comments

Probably none of us doubt that bad habits significantly ruin our life. It is because of these everyday situations that we are not able to function properly and move forward in our lives. Each of us is aware that bad habits destroy our self-confidence, but nevertheless, it is difficult for us toRead More

How to Find Time for Blogging during Your Breakfast

How to Find Time for Blogging during Your Breakfast

January 6, 2017 at 12:24 am0 comments

When you are a student, you have an office job, or you’re making money online, it’s hard to fit blogging into your life. You decide to start waking up earlier than usual? That’s great! But, you prefer using that time for morning stretching. What’s more important: blogging or exercise? Wait.Read More