Are you having problems sending large files? Thanks to the advent of technology, such issues are now a thing of the past. You only need a compression utility like WinZip. But many people are not aware of WinZip, and you could be one of them. But no need to fret; this article will give you insight on WinZip and how to download it for free. Make yourself comfortable and continue reading.
What is WinZip?
It is a software designed to assist the users in compressing and decompressing files and folders. With it, you can also create your documents’ archive. What’s impressive is the fact that it supports different types of achieving such as:
- BinHex
- 7Z
- XXXEncode
- UUEncode
Therefore, a user can quickly zip and unzip any data type. It comes with the following amazing features:
- Password protection and file splitter
- File encryption
III. An archiving and decompressing wizard
What is Achieve?
It is a zip file containing one or many compressed files. With a zip file, keeping related records together becomes easy. It also makes it fast and efficient to:
- Download
- Store data
- Install software
The most commonly used compressing format is the Zip and WinZip tops as the best compression utility.
How to Download WinZip For Free
Many people think that they cannot use WinZip without spending money. But they are wrong. WinZip comes with a 45-day free version dubbed WinZip 11.1. If you need to compress your files and have no budget, you can go for the free WinZip version. Are you wondering how it gets downloaded? Check out the followingWinZip free downloadsteps:
Step 1
Search for the WinZip site ( online and enter. Then navigate on the “Download” button. From the menu, choose the WinZip 11.1
Step 2
Go for the free version dubbed “Get WinZip Free” and click download now. It’s vital to note that, for you to be able to download the WinZip free version, you also need to download other software. But this shouldn’t be a problem because some also come as free.
Step 3
Then click “Save” on the “File Download” box. Choose a convenient location to save the application like on your desktop.
Step 4
Go to where you’ve saved the WinZip application. Navigate on the file and double-click.
Step 5
Click on the appeared “Setup” button. If you don’t have the privileges, you may need the system administrator’s help in installing the program. Alternatively, you can install the program yourself by changing the privileges. Sometimes, you can get an option asking you to learn about other available products. In such a case, click on the “No, please continue installing WinZip” option.
Step 6
The WinZip instructions will appear. Follow them and click “Next”. On displaying the WinZip License Agreement, choose whether to accept or decline the agreement. For example, if you accept, click on the “I accept the license agreement” button. Then click on the “Next” button.
Step 7
A box will appear recommending first-time users to check all the listed items. Check them all and click on “Next”.
Step 8
A box displaying “Ready to install the application” will appear. Click on the “Next” button to start the installation. You will get required to choose between Classic and Wizard. Click on the “Start with WinZip Classic” button then on “Next”.
Step 9
A display indicating whether you want an Express or Custom setup will appear. Check the “Express setup” and click on “Next” throughout up to the “Finish” button.
Step 10
On installing the free WinZip successfully, a “Finish” button will appear. Before clicking on it, check the “Launch WinZip 11.1”. On clicking on the “Finish” button, The WinZip file will start opening. During the process, you get asked to “Use Evaluation Version”. Accept by clicking on the button.
Is WinZip Safe?
Testswith over the top 50 antivirus softwares have found WinZip free of any virus. While some other softwares may make your phone or computer be infected by a virus, WinZip has been proven beyond doubt to be a very safe software to download.
As illustrated above, you can enjoy a WinZip free download, installation, and usage, and it’s also safe to use. Do not allow large files to give you a headache in storing or sending to various sources. Get yourself a free WinZip application and compress them into one or multiple files.