
From Passion to Profession: 4 Tips for Making it as a Freelance Writer

From Passion to Profession: 4 Tips for Making it as a Freelance Writer

December 29, 2018 at 5:09 am0 comments

You enjoy writing, and you’ve heard plenty of stories about people who’ve quit their day jobs and made a full-time income from their passion. Freelancing is becoming increasingly popular, so you might be wondering, what’s stopping you from doing the same? In fact, the good news is that there’s nothingRead More

Why Studying Abroad is the Way to Go

Why Studying Abroad is the Way to Go

November 30, 2018 at 2:34 am0 comments

‘The World Is Flat’ is the title of an international best-seller by Thomas L. Friedman, in which he postulated a globalized 21st century. More than 5 million students study outside their home countries in any given academic year, according to an ICEF Monitor Report. The international student mobility is onRead More

Peculiarities of Professional Custom Essay Writing

Peculiarities of Professional Custom Essay Writing

October 23, 2018 at 10:15 am0 comments

Essays are perhaps the most frequently assigned academic tasks and particularly these tasks play a great role in the grades of a student. And do you, what is the most important feature of a custom essay writing? The error-free content? Uniqueness? Or the reader-friendly content? Perhaps all of them. AndRead More

Do Mistakes Help You Learn Language such as Spanish?

Do Mistakes Help You Learn Language such as Spanish?

August 21, 2018 at 3:22 am0 comments

Why Making Mistakes Matters When Learning a Second Language We’ve all been there, trying to learn a language while fumbling with a Spanish language book. And if it wasn’t Spanish, it was another “easy” language. We’ve tried and failed at basic pronunciation and remembering phrases so many times it feelsRead More

The Importance of Enrollment Management

The Importance of Enrollment Management

May 5, 2018 at 2:34 pm0 comments

Finding ways to attract and retain new students is one of the core focuses of Enrollment Management divisions of colleges and universities, and Enrollment Management Consultants alike. Increasingly, college admissions officers are turning to technology in order to accomplish the task of attracting and retaining prospective students. In the news,Read More

7 Non-Negotiable Reasons the Arts Are Important for All Students

7 Non-Negotiable Reasons the Arts Are Important for All Students

May 4, 2018 at 11:58 pm0 comments

Did you know that students that study art are 4x more likely to be recognized during their school career for high academic achievement? Not only do researchers consistently find that arts and music programs correlate to higher math and science scores, but, they also find that students involved in theRead More

Write to Lead: The Art of Writing for Speech Delivery

Write to Lead: The Art of Writing for Speech Delivery

April 17, 2018 at 2:03 am0 comments

Talk of some of the world’s renowned leaders – in the corporate world, religious fraternities and Presidency. One thing is always clear. Oratory skills are an ingredient they all harbor in abundance to influence and earn respect in return. Someone like Martin Luther King Jr. is hugely referenced whenever speechmakingRead More

Tips From an Academic Tutor: How to Become an Online Tutor and 5 Homework Help Online Tools

Tips From an Academic Tutor: How to Become an Online Tutor and 5 Homework Help Online Tools

April 17, 2018 at 1:35 am0 comments

When was the last time you saw an ad promising to show you how to make money by working from home? It seems that these promises are everywhere. If it’s so easy to work online to make money, why aren’t more people doing it? The fact is, there are manyRead More

Useful Essay Writing Tips to Boost Your Essay Grade

Useful Essay Writing Tips to Boost Your Essay Grade

April 12, 2018 at 4:09 pm0 comments

You can do anything you set your mind on. And it’s not about struggling to do something difficult because you have to; it’s about doing something useful because it’s going to make you a better and more valuable individual. Writing essays is not difficult. The fact that you are readingRead More

How to Write an Essay When the Deadline Is Right Here?

How to Write an Essay When the Deadline Is Right Here?

March 19, 2018 at 11:04 am0 comments

Writing an essay is a truly stressful process. Can you imagine the level of anxiety when the deadline is right here already? “Deadline” is a terrifying word. You can literally feel the full metaphorical meaning of it when it starts creeping on you like a maniac who wants to takeRead More

Blogging Tips Than Every Bloggers Should Use

Blogging Tips Than Every Bloggers Should Use

March 14, 2018 at 4:07 am0 comments

Freelance blog writing is a facet of freelance writing with a different technical twist. It’s one of the hottest freelance online trends today. You can start part- time until there is enough money to write full time and make a handsome income. It is one of the best, easiest, andRead More

The Science Behind Caffeine Naps

The Science Behind Caffeine Naps

March 8, 2018 at 12:23 am0 comments

If you thrive on naps and a good cup of coffee, then you may have heard about ‘coffee and nap.’ It may at first glance appear to be counterintuitive, but there’s science behind this concept that you could consider trying out the next time you want to recharge in theRead More

Practical Tips on How to Write a Great High School Essay

Practical Tips on How to Write a Great High School Essay

February 21, 2018 at 2:36 pm0 comments

A high school essay is sometimes a real disaster for most students. Some practical tips & tricks, useful advice on how to write a great high school essay are here. An Essay – Is It So Complicated? An essay is sometimes the most complicated task for a student. Doesn’t matterRead More

Professional Writing: Key Tips for a Perfect Academic Paper

Professional Writing: Key Tips for a Perfect Academic Paper

February 13, 2018 at 8:42 pm0 comments

Students used to see academic writing as one of the most complex and nasty academic assignments. Nevertheless, only a small part of students prefers getting more information about the top methods of professional writing, hoping they would not deal with a bunch of familiar assignments during a study period. AtRead More

How to Write a Bestseller – Practical Recommendations

How to Write a Bestseller – Practical Recommendations

January 17, 2018 at 5:56 am0 comments

It seems that only a very talented person can write a bestseller. How to make sure that your book will become popular with readers? Is there any rule to follow to assure the success of your writing? Unfortunately, there is no universal guideline in this regard. Of course, one needsRead More