Freelance blog writing is a facet of freelance writing with a different technical twist. It’s one of the hottest freelance online trends today. You can start part- time until there is enough money to write full time and make a handsome income. It is one of the best, easiest, and simplest ways to get your own Freelance writing business up and running.
However, be patient, and your patience will be rewarded soon enough. Don’t quickly believe anyone who tells you that freelance blog writing will be an instant profitable success. All good things take time, Yes, you’ll have to roll up your sleeves and crank out product, but you’ll enjoy the process.
So, start blogging. Firstly, it can be a frustrating experience. From choosing your niche to writing great text for a content-hungry worldwide audience—all of it can be a wonderful, enlightening, and… a disastrous experience. You start out with the best intentions and actions and fall short of expectations. The truth is all you need is a good jump-start…
Want to learn how to start and build a blog that matters most? Need some quick tips and tricks to help you boost productivity and overcome your fear of blog writing?
Here are some awesome blog writing tips, courtesy ofPh.D. Essay, to help you boost blogging productivity and overcome procrastination.
- If you’re not, start blogging today
There’s some element of truth in this statement. It’s simpler than you think but harder if you don’t do anything about it.
- Pay and enjoy the price when learning how to become a freelance blog writer
You’ll have to be prepared to invest a lot of time up front but enjoy the process and make freelance blog writing your labor of love. Success in this chosen profession is disguised in work clothing. So prepare to write blazing content and work your tail off in the process. If any type of profitable writing were easy, everyone would be doing it.
- Write about something you love
If you like animals, write about one. Chances are you’ll never run out of ideas to write about your favorite pet.
- Choose your niche wisely, not too big or small
Like choosing your friends wisely, be careful what you choose—you may regret it later. It’s better to be a big fish in a small pond.
- Content is king
Content is queen. Content is everything. PLR is not content at least that’s what Google seems to think so.
- Be yourself
I think readers can spot a fake a mile away. Be genuine and just be honest. Now that’s the best blogging policy.
- Pay close attention to building your personal brand
How you present yourself in your freelance writing blog business is permanent. Your reputation is at stake. Your writing exposes who you are and what you’ve just done. There’s a lot of blogs out there competing for attention, and your blog or your client’s blog with your writing will have less than a minute to convince someone to read.
- Give yourself and your readers a “KISS.“
In other words, “Keep It Simple and Sweet.” From the design of your blog, its links, contents, topics—you should always have the KISS formula in mind. Academic studies have shown the human brain can only process so much information at once. Simplicity rules. Yes, keep it simple and straightforward. To increase your brand, keep the content short and solution oriented.
- Proofread and edit
Watch out for commonly misspelled words and grammatical errors. There are many tools available ready to help you proofread and edit. Sometimes your most valuable asset has two fresh sets of eyes and a body temperature of 98 degrees: your friend or helper.
- Keep your blogging both Fresh, Relevant, and Interesting
Read a lot and network— there is your ready source of content. Your writing will be like an instant magnet, drawing topic-starved readers looking for something they can’t wait to read about! Just like the memorable byline in the hit movie “Field of Dreams,” “If you build it, they will come.” Who knows? You may surprise yourself and land a freelance blog writing gig!
- Uncover hidden sources of inspiration right where you are
Do niche research on top niches that match your interest, energy, and knowledge levels. Get meaningful. Feedback from forums and trusted sources. Not everyone is a blogger or understands what a blogger does (but forgive them anyway!)
- Go blog surfing to get more or fine-tune ideas from your inspirations
You’ll also find out who and what your target audience is most interested in at the moment.
- Find your target audience needs or niche and fill it to the brim with enthusiasm and vigor.
- Explore more and refine your search
Relax and have an open mind. Avoid distractions and remember FOCUS (Find, observe, content, ultra-specific, single-mindedness)
- Write more good content on relevant topics, “evergreen” or current forms of expression from your target audience.
Be engaging but not destructive. With more people spending “screen time,” your writing content has to “hook” the reader and keep them there long enough to create some emotional response to a call to action. And start with the headline. In this Youtube video, Online Strategist John Lawlor has this technique to come up with attention-getting headlines.
Don’t make this process complicated or burdensome. So, there you go—let’s get busy now and hopefully your very own freelance blog writing will get started or re-energized in the right direction. And these blog writing tips, when properly used will result in one seriously successful blogger…YOU!