Venomous snakes are the scariest creatures on earth. These snakes are born killers and uses modified saliva and other venom derived from highly specialized teeth (such as fangs) to immobilize their prey or for self-defense. Some snakes are more venomous than others. This article discusses the top six most venomous snakes.
6. The allIblack mouthed’ or the allIblack’ Mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis).
This is an African snake that inhabits rocky savannah and can be encountered in fond of termite mounds and on the ground. It color ranges from dark brown to gray although its name is derived from its black mouth. The black mamba is the longest venomous snake in Africa as it can reach to up to 4.5 meters (14 feet) in length although its average length is 2.5 meters (8.2 Feet).
The black mamba is among the fastest snakes on the planet with a speed of up to 20 km per hour. The snake is generally shy and will always tend to escape any time it is confronted. When cornered, the snake will raise its head and hiss as a threat display. It will become aggressive only if the attacker persists, where it will strike repeatedly. A single strike injects large amounts of neuro and cardio toxins. Its venom is fatal, killing within 20 minutes. However, the use of antivenin can prevent such deaths.
5. Bothrops asper (barba amarilla).
This snake is native to all of Central America, south-eastern Mexico, Northern Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. This snake is among a group of snakes referred to as “Fer-de-lance” which displays sexual dimorphism (The females and males are different both physically and in sexual organs).
It is light brown to gray in color with patterns of black diamond patches. The underside is yellowish. This mixture of colors acts as camouflage as it is difficult to see it when it is lying on dry leaves. This has led to many involuntary encounters between humans and the snake. This has led to many deaths in the areas it occupies.
Barba amarilla is very fast, agile and very irritable. It uses its speed to escape from large animals but will turn and strike unexpectedly to defend itself. It has been known to visit human dwellings to attack.
The venom from this snake is very potent. After its bite, the wound may swell, ooze, cause a lot of pain, blisters and become very numb. Physical symptoms such as headache, fever, gastrointestinal bleeding, vomiting, nausea, impaired consciousness and vomiting may follow. However, anti-venoms, derived from the snake itself, may save lives following an attack.
4. The Boomslang (Dispholidus typus).
The Boomslang is one of the most venomous snakes in Africa, occurring throughout sub-Saharan countries. It is the only species in its genius. a’ Boomslang’ means a alltree snake’.
The snake is just 5 feet long. It has large eyes that are proportionate to its egg-shaped head. It is color blind but equipped with a very strong stereoscopic vision. It is also an excellent tree climber.
The Boomslang is a shy snake and becomes aggressive only when put in a situation it won’t like to be in It will see humans first and escape to avoid contact. However, its venom is very potent. This venom is primarily hemotoxic implying that it affects the circulatory system killing red blood cells. This causes organ degeneration and tissue damage.
The venom from this snake is slow to act with symptoms taking hours before manifesting. This leads the victim into underestimating the seriousness of the snake bite. After some hours without any noticeable symptoms, the victim may wrongly believe the injury is not serious.
3. Mainland Tiger snake (Notechis scutatus)
This snake is unlike other tiger snakes as it doesn’t display the distinctive tiger-stripes. Its body can be grey, olive brown or black. Its underside is mostly creamy yellow but can be bright yellow in some snakes. These snakes are common in wetlands, swamps and water courses of South Eastern Australia.
The snake prepares for a bite by flattening its head and neck in a manner similar to the African cobras. Its venom contains potent coagulants, neurotoxins, myotoxins and haemolysins. Some of the symptoms of this venom are localized pains in the neck and foot region, numbness, tingling and sweating and may be followed by paralysis and breathing difficulties.
Treatment for this snake’s bite is similar to that of other tiger snakes. The pressure immobilization method is applied to inhibit the movement of the venom through the lymphatic system. Thick, broad bandages are applied to the bite, then down and back from the limp to the groin or armpit. The affected limps are then immobilized using a splint. The discovery of the anti-venom, which can treat bites from all tiger snakes, has greatly reduced deaths from tiger snake bites.
2. The Saw Scaled Viper (Echis carinatus)
It is referred by many scientists as the deadliest snake as it has been responsible for more deaths than any other snake species. It ranges from Senegal in Africa to Bengal in India. Their lengths range from 40 to 80 cm with a head that is distinct from the neck.
Its venom is very potent. Coagulation and haemorrhage are the most striking effects of the venom. Victims also develop anuria or oliguria after some few hours following the bite. Acute kidney failure may also develop leading to a need for kidney dialysis. Death may occur if anti-venom is not administered within fifteen minutes after the bite.
1. The Western or Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus).
It is also referred to as the fierce snake and is considered to be the world most venomous snake due to the wide variety of toxins found in its venom. It is endemic to the semi-arid regions of Central Australia.
This snake adapt to its environment by changing its color with seasons. They are lighter during the summer but darker during the winter. These changes are for thermal regulation that allows the snake to absorb more heat during the cold seasons.
This snake will only attack when it is mishandled, provoked or prevented from escaping. It will issue a threat display by raising its body and will only attack if the display is ignored. However, its attack is always accurate as the snake is very fast and extremely agile.
The snake’s venom consists of a variety of toxins. These are myotoxins (affects the muscles), a complex mixture of neurotoxins (affects the nervous system), haemotoxins (affects the blood), Haemorrhagins (affects the blood vessels), Nephrotoxins (affects the kidney) as well as the hyaluronidase enzyme that facilitates the absorption of the venom. However, an anti-venom has been developed that neutralizes these toxins from the world’s most venomous snake.
The best way to avoid confrontation between these snakes is to avoid them. Never attempt to attack a snake, instead call a snake expert to deal with it These snakes rarely attack provoked.