Things, and places, we need to be careful of when lockdown ends

Lockdown EndsIt seems like only yesterday that the first cases of the coronavirus were announced, and we’re already looking towards a future outside of lockdown. Regardless of how and when each state emerges from lockdown, it’s clear that we won’t enjoy ‘business as usual’ for quite some time yet. After all, the virus remains a relative unknown, and no one can be certain what it has in store for us. With that in mind, we need to be cautious of a few things.

Be careful of complacency

Just because lockdowns look set to lift doesn’t mean the threat has vanished. We’d all do well to remember the panic and heartbreak that COVID-19 has been capable of wreaking in a relatively short time. One of the most important things to be careful of is complacency; we mustn’t assume we can pick up where we left off. Social distancing, staying home, face masks, and other precautions will remain in place, even as we tentatively step blinking into the sun. Remember: we’ve come this far!

Avoid vulnerable friends and family members

We must continue to guard the vulnerable. Avoid elderly care and respite homes, stay away from hospitals and care facilities and maintain a safe distance from friends and family members outside of your household. Coronavirus is most notable for its effects on the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, so we must do our part to keep those people safe – as heartbreaking as it is to remain apart. We can stay positive; we will be reunited. However, until it is safe to do so, we have a duty of care towards others.

Don’t stop washing your hands

If the coronavirus outbreak has taught us something, it’s that certain people need to be reminded about basic hygiene. Whoever thought we’d need such encouragement to wash our hands? Be mindful of basic hygiene practices and keep on washing those hands. That means stocking up, responsibly, on the supplies you need to remain safe. A hemp hand sanitizer, made with hemp oil, has natural antibacterial properties and keeps all manner of nasties at bay. Do, however, make sure you’re getting products from a reputable source.

Avoid parties and crowded public places

Social distancing measures will rule out many forms of socialization for the time being. Take responsibility for your actions and avoid hosting or attending parties, and stay away from packed restaurants and bars, or public tourist spots. Beaches and parks have remained open for the most part but remain cautious. Can you safely self-distance? If not, it may be best to move along. Exercise particular caution if you’re vulnerable or live with someone who is; bustling markets, cinemas, theaters, and malls should be avoided.

Stay local wherever possible

Perhaps the most obvious place to avoid right now is anywhere beyond our borders. The advice has been consistent and straightforward until now; stay home! As lockdowns lift, we may start to explore our neighborhoods and beyond, but should probably forego foreign travel unless essential. The lifting of lockdown is not an open invitation to see the world, least of all, because other countries are handling the pandemics in their own ways. Our time to travel will come again.

Remain cautious on public transport

So many of us are used to relying on public transport for our daily commute, but we’ve had to adapt our routines to accommodate the best safety practices wherever possible. Public transport has remained in service for those who need it to get about, albeit on limited timetables. However, ask yourself whether there’s another way to travel – at least for now. Social distancing measures have been established to ensure everyone’s safety, but perhaps the best way to remain safe is to walk, cycle, or drive if you can.

For some, the promise of lifted lockdowns beckons freedom and a return to life as we knew it. There are those scrambling to meet with friends and family or visit their favorite stores and nightspots. However, it’s relatively safe to say that we’ll be acknowledging social distancing and hygiene guidelines for the foreseeable future. While the consensus is that society can begin to emerge at last, and in phases, we must remember that vigilance is vital.

Stay alert, hang on to those face masks and hand sanitizers, and avoid large gatherings and places where social distancing is made difficult. We will come through this; now is not the time to turn our backs on all we’ve achieved so far.

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