Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. West: A Short Biography

Lieutenant Colonel Allen B. WestAllen B. West was born on February 7, 1961, in Georgia. He is a retired lieutenant colonel from the U.S. Army and a former member of the House of Representatives.

Life and Education

Allen Bernard West was born in Atlanta, Georgia, to Elizabeth and Herman West and is third of four generations of military servicemen in his family. His father and older brother were both career military officers; West’s father served in World War II, and his brother served in Vietnam. His mother was a civilian employee of the United States Marine Corps. Although both of his parents were registered Democrats, West has remarked that they raised him very conservatively.

His parents instilled in him a very basic principle, love of God and Country. In 2004, when it was time to retire from more than twenty years of service in the US Army, he brought his wife and two young daughters to Broward County, Florida, where he taught high school for one year. He then returned to Afghanistan as an advisor to the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007.

Allen West knows that for our children to live their dreams, they need to be safe. He has served in several combat zones: in Operation Desert Storm, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he was battalion commander for the Army’s 4th Infantry Division, and in Afghanistan, where he trained Afghan officers to take on the responsibility of securing their own country.

Excellence is a West family tradition. His wife, Angela, holds anMBAand Ph.D. and works as a financial planner. His oldest daughter, Aubrey, attends Archbishop McCarthy HS and his youngest daughter, Austen, attends Cooper City Christian Academy.

“Education is the great equalizer,” he says. “With a good education, any child in America can live his dream.”

In the tenth grade, West joined the Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program and entered the Army in 1983 when he graduated from the University of Tennessee. West is the third of four consecutive generations in his family to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. He later received a master’s degree in political science from Kansas State University. He also earned a master of military arts and sciences degree from the U.S. Army Command and General Staff Officer College in political theory and military history and operations.

Allen is an avid distance runner, aPADIMaster certifiedSCUBAdiver, motorcyclist, and attends Community Christian Church in Tamarac Florida.

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Military Career

West was commissioned through ROTC at the University of Tennessee as a Second Lieutenant (2LT) on July 31, 1982. He entered active duty service in the U.S. Army on November 1, 1983, at Fort Sill to attend the Field Artillery Officer Basic Course. He later attended airborne and jumpmaster training at Fort Benning. West’s first assignment was as an airborne infantry company fire support team leader and battalion training officer in the 325th Airborne Battalion Combat Team. In 1987, he was promoted to Captain and attended the Field Artillery Officer Advanced Course.

He was then assigned to the 1st Infantry Division, where he commanded Bravo Battery, 6th Field Artillery Regiment and was a Battalion Task Force fire support officer for 2d Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment. While with the 1st Infantry Division, he participated in Operations Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm.

After redeployment from Kuwait, West served as an ROTC instructor at Kansas State University from 1991 to 1994. In January 1995, he was assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division Support Command as the Assistant Operations/Combat Plans Officer. During that time, West was promoted to Major and selected for attendance to the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and graduated in 1997. Afterward, he became the Operations Officer of the 18th Field Artillery Brigade (Airborne), followed by an assignment as the Executive Officer of the 1st Battalion (Air Assault), 377th Field Artillery Regiment. Upon completion of these positions, West was assigned to the II Marine Expeditionary Force in Camp Lejeune, and selected to serve as an Army exchange officer to this headquarters from 1999 to 2002.

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West’s culminating assignment to his career was as Battalion Commander of the 2d Battalion 20th Field Artillery, 4th Infantry Division. He assumed command of this unit on June 6, 2002. He deployed with his unit during the Iraq War in 2003 and continued to command his battalion until his retirement from the Army in 2004 after 22 years of honorable service in defense of the Republic.

In his Army career, Col. West has been honored many times, including a Bronze Star, three Meritorious Service Medals, three Army Commendation Medals (one with Valor), and a Valorous Unit Award. He received his valor award as a Captain in Desert Shield/Storm, was the US ArmyROTCInstructor of the Year in 1993, and was a Distinguished Honor GraduateIIICorps Assault School. He proudly wears the Army Master parachutist badge, Air Assault badge, Navy/Marine Corps parachutist insignia, Italian parachutist wings, and German proficiency badge (Bronze award).

West’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star; Meritorious Service Medal (two Oak Leaf Clusters); Army Commendation Medal (three Oak Leaf Clusters, one Valor Device); Army Achievement Medal (one Oak Leaf Cluster); Valorous Unit Award; Air Assault Badge; and the Master Parachutist Badge. Lt Col West proudly wears the Army Master Parachutist Badge, the Army Air Assault Badge, the Navy/Marine Corps Parachutist Insignia, the Italian Parachutist Wings, and the German Proficiency Badge, a bronze award.

After his retirement from the Army in 2004, Allen taught high school in South Florida for a year before volunteering and deploying to Afghanistan as a civilian military adviser to the Afghan army, an assignment he finished in November 2007.

Political Career

As a member of the Republican Party, he represented Florida in the House of Representatives between 2011 and 2013.

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Soon after leaving the military, he moved to Florida with his family, where he worked for a defense contractor. He entered politics in 2008 as member of the Republican Party and representative of the Florida 22nd congressional district. He won a seat in 2010 and took office in 2011, being the first Afro-American republican after Josiah Walls in 1976.

As a member of the Congress, West was a high-profile member of the Tea Party Movement and The Tea Party Caucus. In 2012 House elections he lost to democratic Patrick Murphy by 2,146 votes.

As a member of the Congress, West introduced seven major pieces of legislation, and was the original sponsor of H. R. 1246 which reduces costs at the Department of Defense, was passed unanimously (393-0), and signed into law by President Obama as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. Congressman West voted for the Balanced Budget Amendment and voted for over 30 different bills designed to empower small businesses, reduce government barriers to job creation, boost American competitiveness, encourage entrepreneurship and growth, and maximize American energy production.

Political Views


Under the Congressional Democrats’ watch, Florida’s unemployment rate has skyrocketed to a staggering 12%, our foreclosure rate is the 3rd highest in the country, and the national debt has grown to unprecedented levels. As your Congressman, I will curb out of control Government spending, I will work towards across the board tax cuts, I will fight tirelessly to bring jobs back to South Florida. We must realize that American Exceptionalism depends on a strong and robust economy, which means that the fight begins here at home.

If we are serious about fixing our economy, then we must get back to basics. First, our tax code must be redefined. I support transitioning from the progressive tax to a flat tax system- both individual and corporate/business. Second, we must understand that the true strength of our economy lies within small businesses, and as elected leaders in Congress, we have an obligation to support small business growth through tax cuts and incentives. Finally we need to challenge the status quo in Washington and stop the floodgates of government spending. In the last two years alone, Democrats have quadrupled the deficit, thanks in large part to the failed stimulus package. Factoring in the recent passage of the healthcare bill, the deficit is projected to increase by $9.3 trillion over the next decade. As your Congressman, I will carry the torch of conservative, small government principles with me to Washington.

Allen B West Politics

Peace Through Strength:

The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States defines the Federal Government’s role in “providing for the common defense” of our great country. It is not only the primary mission of our government, but the most important obligation our elected leaders have upon accepting the oath of office. As a 22-year Army Veteran who served in Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, and as a Civilian Advisor to the Afghan Army in Operation Enduring Freedom, I understand both the gravity of giving the order, and the challenge of carrying it out.

Make no mistake, we are a nation at war against a totalitarian theocratic political ideology that glorifies death rather than celebrating life. To defeat it, we must stay on the offensive. From Afghanistan and Iraq to the Greater Middle East and South America, radical Islam is on the march. And while our attention is focused on combating global terrorism, we must not forget other looming threats just on the horizon in China, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia & Iran. These nations and their leaders represent the biggest threat to our great nation. As your Congressman, I will work to reestablish American Exceptionalism by growing and modernizing America’s Armed forces to ensure that we are prepared for the strategic challenges ahead. Like President Reagan, I believe that peace is best kept through a strong national defense.

Energy Independence:

Energy Independence is critical for the future and legacy of our great country. In the late 1970s we were importing some 18-20% of our energy resources. Today we are importing close to 65% of our energy resources from foreign sources. Due to this increased reliance on foreign energy supplies, terrorists have found a great source of funding through “petro-dollars” emanating from Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Libya.

Now is the time to make America energy-independent by encouraging the indomitable spirit of American ingenuity and developing our full spectrum of energy resources. That means that we must invest in oil, natural gas, clean coal, nuclear, hydrogen, cost-effective bio-fuels, wind, and solar (research, exploration, refinement, and development). America must look at energy independence much the same as having a diversified investment portfolio built upon the solid foundation of proven methods in both energy extraction and economic development.

Illegal Immigration:

The Constitution of the United States of America has these three mandates; ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and provide for the common defense. All three of these directives relate to the issue of illegal immigration, as illegal immigration adversely affects our economy, jobs, national security, crime levels, education, and healthcare. Illegal immigration also allows human traffickers, drug runners, and Islamic terrorists to exploiting our porous border.

Quite simply, federal laws already on the books aimed at stopping the flow of illegal immigration must be enforced. Furthermore, states must be given the resources necessary to confront the problem, which includes strengthening the border patrol. When dealing with illegal immigration, the answer is simple; enforce Constitutional mandates, and you will protect Floridians and the American people.

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Recent developments in the Israel are disturbing, and unfortunately predictable. Since 2009, the Obama Administration has shown an unprecedented disregard for the sovereignty of the State of Israel – America’s strongest ally. Whether browbeating Israel for building homes in their rightful capitol, or disrespecting Prime Minister Netanyahu at the White House, President Obama has clearly demonstrated that he is no friend of the Jewish State.

Liberals in Congress have provided nothing but lip service while the rest of the world continues to condemn this nation’s right to defend itself against continued terror and aggression by Hamas – a terror organization whose very charter calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and its supporters. In the days and weeks ahead, our friends in Israel, the only true and stable democracy in the Middle East, need more than words from America’s leaders. Above all, the Jewish State needs stronger representation in Congress and a solid voice that will not be afraid to stand up to the Obama Administration’s appeasement of Islamic terrorism. As a combat veteran who has faced our common enemy, my commitment to Israel will rise above mere statements of support.

Social Security:

The critical aspect of social security is that we must restore it to the independent trust fund account. Once the politicians moved it to the general operating account they used it for their pork barrel spending spree. The fact that we are creating a jobless morass in America means there are less workers paying into the system. This is another reason why we need private sector growth, which in turn creates jobs, which will replenish the Social Security fund.

Putting Money Back into the Pockets of Americans:

In January 2011, America will witness the largest tax increase we have ever seen. For the production class Americans, taxes will be raised on married couples, the child tax credit will be cut 50%, dividends and capital gains taxes increase, the death tax returns, the number of families paying the alternative minimum tax will increase, and there will be an increase on all wage earner tax brackets, not just the upper 35% bracket. It is a proven fact that where taxation is lightest and spending is reduced, revenues increase. The 2010 mid-term elections come down to two diametrically opposing philosophies: public sector raising taxes, printing and borrowing more money or private sector investment, ingenuity, and innovation.


  1. C12aa0318618dda4468bc73b41980d5fMichael Kubacki says:

    This morning, on the Dom Giordano radio show,you used the word “irregardless.” You shouldn’t do that.

  2. 0e566bcac9ccb8758992d5f6bbdebeaaPatrick Hinds says:

    LTC West;
    Sir, I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your service both in and out of uniform. Reading your Bio I was struck by how closely our career paths are.
    I was commissioned as a USAR officer in the MP Corp in May of 1984. I was assigned to a PA ANG unit the 1068th MP CO which was part of the 165TH MP BN and the 213th ASG. I went from private E-1 to Captain 0-3 in the same company. Some of by life’s’ best memories come from the time I was in uniform. At the same time I was a police Officer for a Township here in PA. I am now preparing to retire after 37 yrs. I’m trying to figure out what comes next for me.
    My wife and I raised four sons during this time and we are very proud that three of them have served in the armed forces of our great country.

    With what is going on in our country currently today greatly concerns my wife and I. In my formative years I was told there is only one color, either green or blue. Perhaps I am naïve but at my agency racial issues are extremely rare. I have always kept the “golden rule” present in my mind when dealing with soldiers and citizens. Please don’t think I’m trying to say that I am perfect because I most definitely am not…just ask my wife,,,LOL. But I truly think that some media outlets are doing an extreme disservice to our country, untrue reporting, half-truths, slanted reporting etc…
    When I sit back and think about all of it I can’t help but think that we are under attack and I feel a growing anger inside and I’m sure I’m not alone.

    Sir, be vigilant and watch your six. I wish you a speedy recovery from your crash. My best to your family and loved ones.

  3. C31ff06d3f7cef18d49d88efc30ec978Steven G. Lauren, LCDR, USN (Ret) says:

    Sir, I watched your interview today (6/13/2020) on Fox News. Your comments were absolutely “spot on.” I entered the Army as enlisted during the VietNam Era (1970) and, ultimately, retired as a Naval Intelligence Officer having served in the Middle East, operational tours, as well as tours at CENTCOM and SOCOM. Unfortunately, I’m not in your district. I also did some things supporting contingency operations that required making a decision whether to violate security guidelines for release of information or do the right thing for those who were going in harm’s way. Fortunately, I ultimately had “top cover” – but was “sweating bullets” waiting to see if would get hammered. I would do whatever I have to do to take care of those aviators if placed in that situation again. God bless. Best of luck in your future endeavors. I hope the winds of fortune will put you in a capacity where you can make the contribution to our country that is so sorely needed.

  4. Ac588aedc8f120ab4ede58c22405a3f8John Paul Heikkinen says:

    I recently watched Lt. Col. Allen West demonstrate his God given ability to lead our country to heights never before realized. He is a formidable force dedicated to a “more perfect union” that all patriots would be proud to serve under.
    God bless you Allen West!

  5. Accept the ruling from the US Supreme Court and move on you whining little prick. You’re just making an ass of yourself and your party.

  6. Ebc3d05545e46dfbe8eba3079efb5612Justin Goubeaux says:

    Good Afternoon Sir,

    I have listened to interviews, BOTH Fox News and YouTube. I am a Marine Veteran with a late stage Metastatic Cancer. My WISH is for you to CHARGE The White House in 2024. Your a leader whose story of growing up with your brother and how you made it out, is NOT being brought to other African Americans and how ANYTHING is possible. GIVE them REAL HOPE and you WILL witness Change.
    Lcpl. Justin Goubeaux

  7. Dear Senators Cruz, Cornyn, Paul and Congressman Brady,
    Have not written to you in a while. Joe Biden’s mandate that my employer stipulate that I must be vaccinated in order to maintain my employment is about the last straw. And if my employer does not comply, well then they will pay dearly.
    I think the American Communist (AKA Democrats, Progressive and yes a lot of Rinos) know they are in trouble and need to seal their fate well before the mid term elections or they well be finally exposed.
    I see fire from a small minority of Republicans. You guys better start raising HELL or this country is going to HELL !!
    Don’t waste time arguing with Democrats, or the progressive Rinos. They are all compromised and/or brainwashed and you’re wasting time and breath trying to convince them of anything. Reassure your supporters, reassure and convince independents, convince and prove to the “old time” Democrats how they are being tricked and lied to buy their elected Dems,,, not for the benefit of their constituents but everything they do is for the benefit of themselves or just getting re-elected.
    Our country is being taken over and the people doing it have an undeclared war on ANYONY in their way.
    We need you all to “GO TO WAR” for us, or step down and let someone who will. The American Communist are trying to further divide us and make us fight one another while they take over.
    Tell us how we can help, or at least get the HELL out of the way so we can find better leaders.
    Randy Taylor
    Conroe, Tx
    936 648 3545
    Cc: anyone I can sent too

  8. Mr. West, please run for John Coryn’s senate seat. He is a Rino and needs to be out! I can’t think of a better man for the job than you. Please consider!

  9. Cure for viruses- citrus peel tea. It ALWAYS works. Cut up a grapefruit, lemon, orange, and garlic into small pieces. Boil for 10 minutes in a half gallon of water. Sip a teaspoon every 30 seconds until you know you will get over covid 19. Make a second batch if necessary. Get well soon. Jim Bedson 661-221-2711.

  10. E41f56cf20f00cefb45a7f9cd88b0740Thomas U Lassiter says:

    You may have been an officer in the Army, however you views on vaccinations and quack “treatments’ reveal you to be quite ignorant. I am glad I no longer live within your state.

  11. 66f978d121866116d71e227e20845793William carter says:

    Dear LTC West:
    We will support you in your campaign for the Governorship of our state. If for some reason, you are not successful in this endeavor, we will support you in a run against RINO John Cornyn. He needs to go as he is obviously a member of the “swamp”.
    Bill & Linda Carter

  12. 80df209260def3f11a21efaa338709a8Sheri Schembre says:

    Mr. West please also bring up to Greg Abbot that now he has opened the floodgates for Californians and their Corporations to move to our great State of Texas tax free, we Texans can now no longer afford housing. Not homes not apartments, what used to be $900.00 for a one bedroom is now unheard of its $1300.00-$2000.00. Homes that were $250,000-$400,00 are now $500,000-$800,000.

    Wages are stagnant and no one is addressing people getting re-trained, no hand outs please.

    Follow the money trail how much did our Governor get for letting these Corporations from California in here tax free? More and more people just like me are very, very near being homeless.

    My wages are what I earned back in 2009?

    No longer does this resemble the great independent State of Texas but more and more like the parasitic communist California!

  13. Allen West has my vote if he will publicly distance himself from Donald Trump and any associations with Trump. I am a 65 year old Republican of the school of Ronald Reagan, Barry Goldwater, George Bush, and Abraham Lincoln. Trump is a far-right extremist who is immature and embarrassing.

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