Blogging Or Vlogging – Which One is the Best For You?
In order for you to decide on which one, either blogging or vlogging, you should rely on in order to convey your message that you would like to send to your audience, you need to understand the core principles of these two independently and then see which one is the right for you.
Firstly, both vlogging and blogging are extremely effective strategies for both individuals and companies that want to generate the maximum amount of traffic on their websites. Blogging is essentially an online diary or log, where the writer can write about his experiences, thoughts, information or give advice. Blogging has become a great tool used in business as it is essentially a tool meant to help you engage with your customers. In order for you to have a successful blog, you will need at least some basic knowledge about SEO, Keywords, Bata Tagging and Descriptions, in order to make sure your blog shows up among the first search-options when something is looked up by your users.
On the other side, vlogging follows the same rules of blogging, however it allows you to tell your message from a more personal perspective. It also gives your viewers the chance to see that you are passionate about what you are saying and show true interest. The fact that they listen to you and follow you, instead of just reading chunks of text, is also another upside of vlogging, which makes things even more interesting and keeps your viewers more engaged.
Which One is More Efficient in the Online Environment?
In a world where time seems to be the most valuable asset we have, what you do with the first 10 seconds during which your potential customer/follower makes a first impression about you determines the course of his actions in the next seconds. This is why, whether you choose blogging or vlogging, the way you design your page (for example, thisleovegas reviewpage) or the way you start your vlogging script is seemingly important.
If we are thinking which of the two exploits the conditions of the best environment for you to make a convincing first impression, be it bad or good, then we will definitely need to choose vlogging. Vlogging gives you the chance to convey many things with just one appearance: the way you talk, the way you look, the way you are dressed, your posture and your discourse – they all contribute to your viewer staying through the vlogging material or leaving instantly.
What Do You Need In Order To Have a Successful Blog/Vlog
While vlogging can give you more ways to attract your potential customer, it can also backfire, since every upside of how you look, how you talk and all the other factors can be an extra reason for your customer to exit the window and never come back.
This is why it is extremely important to be prepared when you do your first vlogging. More than 50% of the vlogging viewers stop watching after 1 minute, so you need to make sure that your script is to the point, points to a hot or fresh news or topic, is split into main points of interest or main ideas and you are passionate about it and show self-confidence when speaking about it. Also, make sure to use a good quality camera in order to make your vlogging entry look more professional. Adding background music can also be another way to personalize your vlogging.
If you go for blogging, another important thing you should keep in mind is to remember updating it as much as possible. Once your users will start enjoying the readings on your blog, they will keep coming back for more, so you need to keep them engaged all the way.
To sum everything up, whether you go for video blogging or not, the choice is all yours! Both vlogging and blogging have pros and cons, however you have to make sure you are using each for the right purposes. Also, whether you choose one or the other, basic experience in SEO and a good training process is needed in order for you to be successful.