A shower pump is a device that boosts the water pressure in your shower. If you have never had a shower with a high water pressure, then you don’t know what you are missing. Shower pumps make taking a shower a wonderful experience; one that you look forward to every single day. But unless you have a shower that has the right water pressure, you won’t get to have such an invigorating experience. I enjoy my showers a lot, and it’s all because of the water pressure. That high pressure soothes your skin and feels like a body massage. After a long and stressful day, a shower with the right water pressure is one of the surest things that will refresh your body and help you relax. In this article, I want to share with you a few ideas about shower pumps and why you should invest in one if you don’t yet have a shower with the right water pressure.
Who Needs a Shower Pump?
I guess you already know the answer to this one. If you don’t have the kind of water pressure you prefer from your shower, then you do need a shower pump. The ideal water pressure for most people is one that produces 15liters of water in a minute. If your shower cannot produce that much water within that period, you should consider investing in a shower pump. Also, if your showers are boring because the water comes out as if it doesn’t want to, then you should also consider investing in a shower pump.
You may experience different water pressures depending on where you live. People in the rural areas experience different water pressures from their taps and shower heads compared to those in the urban areas. Also, those located in high altitudes geographically will experience different water pressures from those in lower altitudes. But that is just physics. The best thing to consider then is whether you are contented with the water pressure from your shower head.
I Think I Need One, How Do I Know Which One to Go for?
If this is you, the first thing in determining which shower pump you need is checking the kind of water system your home is using. I won’t bother you with the technical stuff but there is one essential thing you should know; according to Pump Sales Direct, shower pumps are primarily designed to work with vented cold or hot water systems. If your water system is something like a combi-boiler system, which doesn’t fit the above criteria, then you may want to consider a different approach.
You also need to confirm the kind of shower you have. Depending on where you live, you may have a manual mixer shower, an electric shower, or a thermostatic mixer shower. The kind of shower you have will determine the kind of water you have (hot or cold) and how they are fed into the shower. You can use this knowledge to determine the kind of shower pump you’ll need. This is valuable information you can use to provide to a dealer so they can help you to find the right shower pump for you.
The distance between the water tank and your showerheads is also important. As you will see below, there are different kinds of shower pumps. Some of them are designed to work with shower heads that are at particular distances from the water tank. This is another important factor to consider.
A common sense approach; you should also take into account the size of the pipes you have. This is important because different shower pumps are meant to be fixed with water pipes of particular sizes. Ensure you know the size of the pipes you have at your home because this is also information you’ll need when purchasing a shower pump.
Think also about power consumption. If it is just one shower you need more water pressure for, then you may not have much to worry about. But if you need the water pressure for a few shower heads to be improved, then you may want to invest in a shower pump that’s powerful enough to handle all those shower heads, and you should also remember your electric bill.
The final thing you may want to identify is where the shower pump is going to be placed. As you will realize in the next section, some shower pumps can be quite noisy. Placing one of these near one of your bedrooms may not be appreciated in the mornings, particularly if you have others living with you. The ideal locations for shower pumps are either the loft or airing cupboards, or somewhere they won’t’ get in the way of anything and where they won’t necessarily disturb anyone.
Types of Shower Pumps
Subsequent to determining the above checklist, the next important step to figuring out the kind of shower pump you need is knowing the different kinds of shower pumps available so that you can identify the one that will be best for your situation.
- Universal or Negative Head – For really low water pressure. For shower heads that are at the same level (or higher) with the water storage tank.
- Positive Head – Pushes water into your shower. Relies on gravity so the water tank has to be 3 feet above the shower head.
- Single Impeller – Pumps only one type of water; hot or cold. Usually for when you are having problems with one kind of water.
- Twin Impeller – Most common in most homes today. Can pump both hot and cold water at equal pressure.
- Centrifugal or Regenerative – quite noisy due to the way they function. Ideal for both cold and hot water. But remember, they are quite noisy.
I believe this is just enough information to get you started on acquiring a nice shower pump that will transform or restore your shower experience for good. These devices are great. Taking a shower is one of those moments you really detach from the world and just be by yourself and forget about your worries for a while. It only makes sense that you make it a worthwhile experience. A shower pump may be one of your best upgrades.