6 Cost-Efficient Tips to Prepare Your Home for Surviving the Heat

Spring cleaning isn’t the only thing you should be doing to welcome the warmer months. If you prepare your home for surviving the heat right, not only will you feel more comfortable in it. You’ll be able to save a lot of money that will come in handy when you have to pay the heating bills come winter. You’ll also be able to make your house ‘greener’ and help make the planet healthier by reducing your carbon footprint.


1. Clean up and defrost your freezer

Freeing up some space in your freezer will not only give you a chance to store more popsicles. This will also help make the appliance more energy efficient. The frost buildup not only limits your space but also increases the power demand on the motor. You should keep it under ¼ of an inch at all times.

Also, check if your freezer has about an inch of space on all sides so it can be ventilated properly. Be sure to place it out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources. If your freezer isn’t stocked to full capacity, fill it with fresh summer berries. Use them as ice replacement in drinks or in smoothies. This will help you cool down on a hot summer day and provide a boost of vitamins and antioxidants. Remember that a full freezer is more efficient than a half-empty one. Check out more info on energy-efficient freezers at the Energy Star website.

2. Clean up your vents

Whether you are using an air conditioning unit or not, you should clean up and mend your vents. As a tool for surviving the heat this will allow for better airflow and help keep your house cool.

If you are using an AC unit, cleaning out the vents and fixing any leaks will help ensure its maximum efficiency. In case any of your vents have filters, have them replaced. Be careful and follow a DIY air ventilation cleaning guide to avoid any accidents. If you aren’t 100% confident in your ability to reach all places and clean them properly, invite professionals to do the job.

3. Install a fan (or three)

Regardless of whether you have or don’t have an air conditioning using in your home, you should consider getting ceiling fans to cut energy bills. It’s really simple, an average window AC unit costs about $50 per month if you don’t run it very hard. A central AC, which is the most popular kind in homes, will cost nearly $130 a month.

Don’t forget that the energy fees vary greatly and yours might be even higher than this.

The good news? A single ceiling fan will consume less than $1.5 of energy a month. You can get some more ‘targeted’ cooling with a high quality stand fan. These appliances are energy-efficient as well and they help to survive the heat without the multiple health risks associated with air conditioners.

If you already have ceiling fans installed in your home, do not forget to switch them to rotate counterclockwise. This is the so-called ‘summer mode’ that makes for a cooler airflow.

4. Get some more insulation

Installing an additional layer of insulation before the summer is wise because:

  • You won’t have to wait for a contractor to free up as this type of work is ‘out of season’.
  • You can find many great deals on both insulation and installation services.
  • All the contractor’s work can be completed quickly and inconvenience you minimally.

But the most important benefit is that additional insulation will make your home cooler. It’s a surprise to some but this protection is essential for surviving the heat as it prevents it from getting into your home. It also keeps the cool air inside the house more efficiently.

Don’t forget that you’ll enjoy double the benefits when the winter comes as you will be able to cut down on the heating bills quite a bit.

5. Cover your windows

If some of your windows are on the ‘sunny side’ have them covered to keep the room as cool as possible. Note that this is necessary regardless of whether you are using an AC unit or not. If you run it, the appliance will simply work harder (so it will use more energy) to try lower the temperature in the room.

Depending on your budget, you can either install awnings and/or blinds or use drapes. Heavy drapes with a reflective fabric turned towards the sunlight will be best. If money is tight, you can make window coverings yourself using baking foil and old pieces of cloth.

6. Inspect and fix your roof

Roof replacement and repairs are some of the biggest expenses a homeowner can have. Add to that that a leaking roof lets out the air (cool or warm depending on the season) and lets in the rain, causing expensive water damage.

Regular inspections and preventative maintenance are necessary not only for surviving the heat with minimal expenses. These things also save you from paying a fortune to repair major damage. By having a professional care for your roof before the summer, you are saving money in the long run and make your home a safer place.

Surviving the Heat at Home: Conclusions

Making your home more energy-efficient and reducing the leaks will help you stay cool and not go penniless when you get utility bills. Start preparing your home for the summer right now to be prepared and avoid any problems that will cost a lot to fix.

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