What You Should Know Before Rehab Starts

wrfgrtfgrtwtLike any other potentially difficult change in life, sometimes it just helps to know what’s coming. While the decision to enter rehab (for you or a loved one) isn’t a small one, it can be helpful to have a better understanding of some of the changes that are about to take place before they happen. This article attempts to outline some of the factors to keep in mind as they relate to rehab.

Cost is a Factor

As with other medical treatment, rehab isn’t free. Lots of factors can go into both the cost of rehab, as well as the variety of ways people can work to address that cost. While some people can independently finance rehab, others look to family and friends for help. For those with medical insurance, the cost of rehab can in some cases be offset by the coverage those people may have. While it varies from patient to patient, it’s also possible to use Blue Cross to pay for rehab.

Rehab is Different for Everyone

As the different reasons for attending rehab vary, so must the treatments it offers in order to address those issues. Rehab for some people can be a short stay, while for others a longer duration is required. In that same vein of thought, though sometimes people may decide to attend rehab for a specific reason, they may even find that treatment is required for something else entirely. The point is that there’s no wrong reason to go to rehab just as there’s no one uniform way for rehab to look. If you’re evaluating getting help for yourself or a loved one, it’s important to look for a solution that’s as flexible as it needs to be.

While it can be difficult to understand what you may need from a rehab experience, it’s important to evaluate potential providers based on both the variety and quality of services they offer. Is your goal a total abstinence from drugs? If so a facility that uses something like Suboxone or methadone as a method of treatment may not be right for you. Conversely, if you’re seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, it’s probably not in your best interest to attend a location that primarily treats patients with drug issues. Make sure to exercise due diligence in selecting a rehab facility as it’s important to the eventual outcome.

Family is a Factor

Family is a point that’s of central importance when it comes to rehab for a variety of reasons. From the outset, it’s worth noting that for most people a family support structure is crucial to making successful post-rehab decisions. Accordingly, it’s important that service providers offer services not just for the individual committing to rehab but their families as well. It’s important to acknowledge the potential harm that’s been done both to and by family members in the recovery process.

While a supportive family can help someone on the road to recovery, an enabling family can make it extremely difficult for someone seeking treatment to enact the changes they’re looking to make in their life. Sometimes these services can take the form of information provided to families, but can also range all the way to joint family therapy.

Aftercare Matters

Finishing rehab for many is one of the most important days of their lives. It showcases the culmination of sometimes months of hard work and determination to making a lifestyle change. The sad fact is that without proper support after rehab has concluded, many individuals find it incredibly difficult to implement the changes that they just worked so hard on. Simply put, individuals who use aftercare services are more likely to find success. One example of this can be found in this study which found that patients who had a rehab experience that involved aftercare were 30% more successful than their peers who didn’t have that level of support.

For some people aftercare involves a sober living arrangement after leaving rehab, while for others its limited to outpatient visits to be completed after the initial treatment is complete. Regardless of arrangement, it’s important to be able to plan for this aspect of care in advance. It’s tragic that many people put time, effort and money into rehab only to find that those changes are unsustainable once they return to their everyday routines. Finding a rehab provider that has an understanding of the life cycle of care (including aftercare) is incredibly important.

Being Cured Isn’t the Goal

While chemical dependence can’t ever be “cured”, an effective rehab facility helps individuals learn to lead the kinds of lives that they want to live. Patients going into rehab shouldn’t think of it as a silver bullet that they can look to for fixing all the problems in their lives. There’s quite a bit out there on this topic, but the goal of rehab isn’t to cure anyone, but to help them be in recovery. Learning to live with choices and the consequences both good that they bring is the goal of any legitimate rehab experience. Take care to evaluate any potential rehab facilities in terms of their goals. Do they line up with what you’re trying to do? If so, great. If not, look for a provider who can actually deliver what they promise in terms of results.

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