
Top 6 Useful Benefits of MCT Oil and Why You Need It

Top 6 Useful Benefits of MCT Oil and Why You Need It

March 19, 2018 at 12:38 pm1 comment

MCT oils are a type of saturated oils. The “MC” is an abbreviation for medium-chain. This is because saturated oils are classified according to the length of their chain into long-chain, medium-chain and short-chain fatty acids and the difference in the chain length will make the fat have different properties.Read More

Growing Out My Natural Hair and My Self-Acceptance Journey

Growing Out My Natural Hair and My Self-Acceptance Journey

March 2, 2018 at 5:24 pm0 comments

There is a saying that ‘A woman’s hair is her crowning glory’ and although that may be true for other people, it is not exactly true for me. My hair may not exactly be my ‘crowning glory’ but my relationship with my hair has had a vital role in myRead More

How Sleep Can Help You Grow Taller

How Sleep Can Help You Grow Taller

December 19, 2017 at 9:37 am0 comments

We all love to sleep, apart from those who would rather stay awake because the reality is far much better than their dreams. There is a time for everything, and regardless of how much better reality is than your dreams, there is a time when we should power down forRead More

White Confidence

White Confidence

November 16, 2017 at 5:27 pm0 comments

It always seems so easy and natural when you see it on a screen, but it can be a nightmare when it comes to reality. It may be a kiss, singing, whispering something special to a lover’s ear, or a mere conversion; the perfect moment can be ceased or ruinedRead More

Benefits Of Sunlight – Ways Sun Can Heal A Person

Benefits Of Sunlight – Ways Sun Can Heal A Person

October 26, 2017 at 1:51 pm0 comments

Sunlight therapy has been used, since ancient days. It produces remarkable benefits on the overall health of a person. This therapy is also popularly called as heliotherapy. Moderate amount of exposure to the sun can heal several types of body ailments naturally. There are several safe, natural and easy methodRead More

What You Need to Consider when You Choose a Dentist in London, UK

What You Need to Consider when You Choose a Dentist in London, UK

October 19, 2017 at 12:05 pm0 comments

Oral health is a crucial part of our life, that is often overlooked or taken for granted. Many people forget that the state of your oral health can give you an idea of your overall general health, which is why visiting the right dentist is essential. Bear in mind thatRead More

Gym Training and Makeup: Tips and Tricks

Gym Training and Makeup: Tips and Tricks

September 13, 2017 at 3:36 am0 comments

Wearing makeup to the gym or a jog in the park seems like a usual thing. Most women put on makeup whenever they go out, so it’s a natural routine for such occasions. However, in the case of physical activity and workouts, they could not be more wrong. Cosmetologists sayRead More

Top Five Non-Surgical Cosmetic Tools 2017

Top Five Non-Surgical Cosmetic Tools 2017

September 2, 2017 at 10:45 am0 comments

When it comes to our health and beauty, not all of us can afford or even want cosmetic surgery. Luckily, with the constantly improving world of beauty, there are more and more options for non-invasive and non-surgical options to improve our cosmetic wellbeing. Here are a few options that canRead More

The Benefits of Aloe Vera for the Body

The Benefits of Aloe Vera for the Body

July 13, 2017 at 10:56 pm0 comments

Aloe Vera has found widespread use in the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries with the manufacturing of its extracts forming one of the largest industries in the world currently. With more & more Aloe Vera products being produced, its benefits to the body are many. Here are some of theRead More

Dry skin

10 Bad Habits That Might Be Sabotaging Your Skin Unknowingly

June 7, 2017 at 3:19 am0 comments

Though you are already taking a great care of your skin, you might still be sabotaging your skin in numerous ways you have no idea about. You might flaunt a great skin regime and use the best products. Even after that, there are various unknown ways that might have anRead More

The Scourge of Female Hair Loss: A New-Age Solution for an Age-Old Problem

The Scourge of Female Hair Loss: A New-Age Solution for an Age-Old Problem

April 2, 2017 at 11:02 am0 comments

When the concept of hair loss arises in everyday conversation, many people instinctively imagine the proverbial hairless man suffering from male pattern baldness. However, what many people fail to realise is the fact that women frequently suffer from hair loss as well and it’s often much more difficult to manage.Read More

Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses Or Lasik – Choosing The Ideal Option

Eyeglasses, Contact Lenses Or Lasik – Choosing The Ideal Option

March 29, 2017 at 12:54 pm0 comments

Anyone who is suffering from poor eyesight is faced with the choice between eyeglasses and contact lenses for correction of their vision. While it is ok to wear either or both, people still have personal preferences and often feel confused about which one to choose. There can be variety ofRead More

How To Deal With Patchy Beard?

How To Deal With Patchy Beard?

February 23, 2017 at 5:06 am0 comments

After spending the five weeks trying to grow beard, I came across the nightmare that I never heard would be along the journey – patchy beard. Not only did I feel betrayed but lost my ego. Could I get a fix? I wondered. When I was a young teenager, IRead More

Learn How to Sleep Better With These 5 Tips

Learn How to Sleep Better With These 5 Tips

November 17, 2016 at 4:20 am0 comments

Are you feeling grumpy and crabby each time you get up in the morning? Or perhaps you simply wake up tired all the time and no matter what you do nothing seems to change? This can be quite frustrating and lead to a series of other issues such as notRead More

Why Do Some Men Grow Big Beards?

Why Do Some Men Grow Big Beards?

October 9, 2016 at 5:01 pm0 comments

Its 2016, and beards have become ubiquitous. Forcing hundreds of hairs out of the bottom of your face has almost become a prerequisite in hip cities like Brooklyn, Portland, or San Francisco. But that’s not really fair to everyone who isn’t like me, and physically can’t grow a full orRead More