5 reasons why you did not pass the job interview

Has it ever happened to you that your CV fits perfectly with the requirements for a certain job, but you were called to a job interview and did not get that position? Although in terms of skills and competencies you would have been the ideal candidate for that job, it is possible that during the interview you made one (or more) of the following mistakes.

Job Interview

  1. Poor interview preparation

To consider yourself ready for the interview, it is not enoughto arrive on time(not earlier and, especially, not later) orto be properly dressed. As the person who is going to interview you already knows you from the CV with which you applied for the job and based on which you were selected to participate in thejob interview, it is necessary that you, as an aspirant to occupy that position, avoidmistakes in the interviewto documentthe industry in which the employer operates, to get acquainted with the type of projects carried out by the company or even to research in detail the history of the organization’s activity. If you show up, duringthe job interview, that you are aware of all this, you will prove to the recruiter that he has in front of him a curious candidate, who easily finds information resources and who shows interest in the organizational culture, objectives, and future plans of the company.

It is also equally importantto know in detail the requirements and responsibilities of the jobfor which the recruitment is made through the respective interview. Based on this information you will build your speech and all the answers to the recruiter’s questions. During the limited time in which an interview takes place, you must demonstrate that you meet the requirements of the job description and bring arguments to convince the interviewer that you will be able to fulfill the responsibilities of the employee for whose position you are competing.

If you document yourself insufficiently before the interview, you will leave the impression that all you want is a job,any job, not necessarilythat job. In addition, a lack of interest in the employer’s company culture, brand, or goals can be a sign to the recruiter that you are pursuing only the material benefits of getting the job and that you will not strive to get involved as a real employee would. passionate.

  1. Lack of enthusiasm

The disinterest towards the company’s activity and towards the detailed job description can be interpreted by the recruiter as a consequence of the lack of enthusiasm. If you manage to create this impression at the interview, you substantially decrease your chances of being selected.

Employers are generally looking forpassionate, energetic, and challenging candidatesbecause they associate these traits with higher productivity and a source of innovative ideas that will benefit the company. The enthusiasm and passion shown by a candidate during the interview are, for the recruiter, indicators of long-term loyalty to the company. Instead, passivity, disinterest, or lack of initiative are not desirable traits in a new employee.

In order not to create the impression of a passive character, lacking enthusiasm, avoid displaying a boring attitude at the interview.Show passion for the field of activityin which you want to work andshow interest in working in that company. For example, you can do this by bringing up a lesser-known element about the company’s activity or the type of job you applied for. The recruiter will be pleasantly surprised that you are aware of such details. Another way to show your enthusiasm is by offering examples from your own professional experience that attest to your passion for that field/type of job.

  1. Negative attitude

If a passive candidate with a bored attitude does not make a good impression atthe job interview, people who adopt a negative attitude are just as unlikely to be selected. Any company wants to build a pleasant work environment, animated by positive energy, and to achieve this, it will hirecommunicative, sociable and open people, who emanate an optimistic attitude. So avoid being aggressive or negative in the answers given at the interview or in the posture and gestures displayed.

Also,avoid defensive or overly argumentative interview questions and answers. Remember that in the meeting on the occasion of a job interview, the recruiter is not your opponent. Your goal is common and is to establish your compatibility with a particular job.

It is equally importantnot to insult or offend yourformer job and former colleagues. Otherwise, your loyalty to any employer will be called into question. In addition, there is no chance that the recruiter will consider you the most suitable future member of a work team. It is known that a negative attitude is contagious. No employer wants to introduce in a perfectly functional work team a person who would disturb, through a negative or aggressive attitude, the positive energy that characterized the group until then. Also, the employer may choose to do a background check on sites likehttps://crimecheckaustralia.com.au before hiring you.

  1. False or constructed answers to the interview

Preparing for a job interview is necessary up to a point, beyond which it can turn against you. For example, you do not have to “learn” in advance the answers to frequently asked questions in an interview, otherwise, you risk appearing artificial. The recruiter does not seek to get a prefabricated answer but wants to know more about you so that he can determine if you really fit or not on the position for which you applied.

In trying to understandhow to present yourself at the interview, you may fall into the trap of memorizing certain answers. However, reproducing them will sound extremely artificial and will prove to the employer that you do not have enough imagination to express yourself in your own words or, even worse, you will give him the impression that your answers are not sincere.Spontaneity and sincerityare two of the traits most appreciated by recruiters when they receive answers from them during the interview.

False or constructedanswers to the intervieware not, in fact, advantageous for the candidate either. Not only the company must find an ideal employee, but also the candidate must find the right company/job. If you give untrue information during the interview and try to look like someone else than you really are, you will be doing yourself a disservice. Even if you get that job, it will soon become obvious that you are not the person you claimed to be, and this will bring you difficulties in your new job.

  1. Uncertainty in expressing strengths in the interview

No matter how suitable you are for a certain job, the recruiter cannot deduce this based solely on your resume. That is whythe job interviewis the opportunity to really introduce yourself and to highlight features and aspects impossible to convey through your CV.

I mentioned earlier that it is not advisable to build your answers in advance. But it is necessaryto make a list of the strengthsthat characterize you, and then to select from them thosethat meet the requirements of the jobin question. At the interview, you will highlight these strengths either by mentioning them as such (if you are asked for example “Why do you think you are suitable for this position? / What do you think you bring in addition to other candidates?” Etc.), or by doing -to understand them when you refer to experiences from your professional past.

Make sure that, until the time allotted for the interview is exhausted, you manage to createa clearly outlined image for therecruiterthat will reflect your competitive advantages over other candidates.Don’t let an attitudinal or behavioral mistake (like the 5 set out above) erase the advantage that your experience and skills in the CV have offered you.


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