How to Avoid Being Manipulated by Your Insurance Company

ClaimsInsurance companies don’t operate as charities. They’re in it to win it. They generate profits by using their clients’ insurance premiums to invest in stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. They even lend money and charge high-interest rates. This makes them hesitant to pay out claims. (Any claim that an insurance company is forced to pay out is not just money out of their pocket today – it’s money out of their pocket tomorrow. In other words, it’s less capital they have to invest and generate interest.)

In an effort to avoid paying out more than they have to, insurance companies hire aggressive adjustors who are skilled at manipulating and pressuring people into taking less than their claims are worth. If you’re injured in an accident, make sure you aren’t victimized twice!

6 Ways Insurance Companies Manipulate Accident Victims

While there are certainly some honest insurance companies and adjustors, they’re few and far between. While they wouldn’t use such a strong word – most are fully aware of the ways in which they manipulate people. If you find yourself interacting with an insurance company after an accident, be aware of the following tactics:

  1. They Want to Keep Lawyers Out of It

The insurance company will play nice at first. They’ll come across as sincere and supportive. However, this is all a ploy to keep you from lawyering up.

“Insurance companies are actually working against you when it comes to personal injury cases. They will challenge your evidence and dispute your claim, often denying your claim altogether, Craig Swapp & Associates explains“If you try to fight the insurance company bullies on your own, you don’t have much chance of winning your case.”

  1. They Pressure You for a Recorded Statement

The insurance company’s first goal is to get a written or recorded statement from you, the victim. Preferably, they want this statement within hours or days. They’ll tell you that this is just to gather the facts, but the truth is they want to get any potentially damaging statements on the record, as they could compromise your claim. This is why it’s best to hire a lawyer right away. Your attorney will coach you through the process, so you know the difference between the genuine questions and the manipulative ones.

  1. They Request Comprehensive Medical Records

When the insurance adjustor asks for your medical records, you probably don’t think much of it. After all, they do have a right to some of your records. The key word here is some. They rarely have a right to access every single document they request.

When an insurance company asks for comprehensive medical records, they’re really looking for pre-existing medical conditions that they can use to explain away injuries that you’ve sustained in the accident. In doing so, they can avoid having to pay out.

  1. They Argue That Treatment is Unnecessary

Insurance adjustors aren’t doctors or medical professionals, yet they’ll often attempt to tell victims what medical treatments are necessary and which ones aren’t.

When an insurance company tells you that a treatment is unnecessary, they aren’t looking out for your health. What they’re really doing is protecting their wallets. Less treatment means fewer expenss. Dollar signs are all they see.

  1. They Harass or Intimidate You

While they’ll deny it publicly, insurance companies often hire adjustors with bulldog-like tenacity. These representatives may try to embarrass you, use harsh language, or even implement over-the-top surveillance tactics to bully you into dropping a claim. It’s also possible that they’ll accuse you of fraud for misstating something in your claim. If you aren’t aware of this tactic, fear could lead you to drop your claim or accept a lower payout.

  1. They Lowball and Push for a Quick Settlement

Rarely will an insurance company get away with not paying out on a claim. In most cases, they owe something. Their aim is to lower the amount they have to pay. (Unbeknownst to the general public, many insurance adjustors receive a commission on payouts. The lower the amount, the higher their compensation.) One of the best ways to do this is by lowballing the first offer and pushing for a quick settlement.

Depending on the situation, the first offer an insurance company gives you may be just a fraction of what the claim is really worth. Keep this in mind and be prepared to negotiate and/or walk away.

Stand Up for Your Rights

You have to stand up for yourself. This means recognizing manipulative tactics and refusing to be victimized by the insurance company. For best results, hire an accident lawyer and allow them to fight for you.

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